I just updated my Fotki!


New Member
I finally got around to updating my Fotki. My hair looks a *little* better in real life. I'm a horrible picture taker, sorry! My hair is still wet/damp in most of the pics, and I lightly scrunched it with gel. I'm still getting used to shorter hair....:) Password is the same. Excuse my sleepy face, I needed a nap in these pics!:lol:
Good luck w/ the transistion!!! Your hair looks very healthy and you are going to have no problem growin it out...I cant wait to see your results:D
Thanks, ladies!! Yeah, it's drastic, but I love it! It's really healthy, too. It's so easy to take care of. I cut it so I won't have to transition for too long.
OMG, I can't believe you cut it. It was so silky... oh the horror!

BUT on the other hand you hair looks so thick and healthy!!!:D And that jet black color is so pretty!
You have very nice hair, it looks pretty thick & healthy. I wish I had the nerve. Congrats on your journey to becoming a natural!;)
Thanks for the comments, ladies!!:-D Haha, Mizani, the last few inches weren't as silky as they looked. My hair was frizz-city, and those bad ends were weighing it down. My hair feels so light now. I love it! My color is natural, I got my dads hair color. Sometimes I wish it were a little lighter....Something that I WASN'T expecting was the thickness. I've always had thick hair, but the stylist would always relax it so she could get the thickness out of it.:look: