I just saw the most beautiful head of hair...


Active Member
at my college...it was BSL and pretty thick....beautiful dark brown with hints of burgundy in there, and ever so silky.

It the first time I actually have been starstruck by some hair IRL.

i wish i could have taken some pics for you guys, but she prolly woulda been like wth is this girl doing?:lachen:

Maybe one day I'll be able to achieve what she has...:ohwell:
I hate to tell you this but you are going to get even worse about it.

You are going to be able to know when a healthy head of hair is within a 6 ft radius. You will be able to spot weave, from wig from hair peice. :lachen:

It becomes almost an obsession. :look: Welcome to the club!:grin:
There are lots of girls with beautiful long curls here so I am always staring. We have a site with lots of pics from clubs and stuff and I really want to post them but I feel like I was being a stalker or something.
I see a lot more heads of beautiful hair on campus than off.

I wonder why this is?

This is what I came up with. When you're on campus you don't care what your hair looks like (for the most part). You can easily go months (w/o trying) w/o using heat after you wash or cowash your hair. Campus gyms are right around the corner so most college girls have no problem with working out every morning or every evening (exercise helps with hair growth). And its not rare for a college student to have a 8 o'clock or 9 o'clock class so the easiest thing to do to hair when your still half asleep is to pin it up (aka protective styling).

Then again I could be way off with this but its just IMO :yep:
This is what I came up with. When you're on campus you don't care what your hair looks like (for the most part). You can easily go months (w/o trying) w/o using heat after you wash or cowash your hair. Campus gyms are right around the corner so most college girls have no problem with working out every morning or every evening (exercise helps with hair growth). And its not rare for a college student to have a 8 o'clock or 9 o'clock class so the easiest thing to do to hair when your still half asleep is to pin it up (aka protective styling).

Then again I could be way off with this but its just IMO :yep:

thats how i am except for the exercise part :giggle:
This is what I came up with. When you're on campus you don't care what your hair looks like (for the most part). You can easily go months (w/o trying) w/o using heat after you wash or cowash your hair. Campus gyms are right around the corner so most college girls have no problem with working out every morning or every evening (exercise helps with hair growth). And its not rare for a college student to have a 8 o'clock or 9 o'clock class so the easiest thing to do to hair when your still half asleep is to pin it up (aka protective styling).

Then again I could be way off with this but its just IMO :yep:

I see a lot of natural heads, too. :yep: And research has shown the more educated you are, the more liberal you become. Maybe that has some impact, too.

But this sounds like me, minus the protective styling. Our gym is pretty much brand new and I try to go at least three times a week. I envision my hair growing while I'm on the elliptical. :lol:
I saw the most beautiful head of hair on the bus a few months ago. See how I still remember it? It was straightened hair, looked like type 3 hair straightened. It had just the very very slightest of kink remaining. It was full and . . . airy and even all around and down to bsl. I'm not even generally a fan of straight hair, but her hair was just unbelievable. *starry eyed*
This is what I came up with. When you're on campus you don't care what your hair looks like (for the most part). You can easily go months (w/o trying) w/o using heat after you wash or cowash your hair. Campus gyms are right around the corner so most college girls have no problem with working out every morning or every evening (exercise helps with hair growth). And its not rare for a college student to have a 8 o'clock or 9 o'clock class so the easiest thing to do to hair when your still half asleep is to pin it up (aka protective styling).

Then again I could be way off with this but its just IMO :yep:

I agree. I know my hair was in a whole lot better shape when I was in college and never went to the salon and hardly ever put any heat on my hair.
Next time you see her ask her what she does to maintain it. Was it natural or relaxed?
LMAOOOO at "it". I just realized we completely ignored the girl in this thread.
I see a lot of natural heads, too. :yep: And research has shown the more educated you are, the more liberal you become. Maybe that has some impact, too.
there is a thread on that around here somewhere. college seemed to be a time for most people to go natural, but surprisingly to me (since i was under the impression that educated = liberal as well) most people with or pursuing masters/doctorates were relaxed.

but i can't tell you how many stories of transition i have seen that begin with "i couldn't afford to get my hair done every few weeks anymore..."

and i am one of those stories :yep:
I hate to tell you this but you are going to get even worse about it.

You are going to be able to know when a healthy head of hair is within a 6 ft radius. You will be able to spot weave, from wig from hair peice. :lachen:

It becomes almost an obsession. :look: Welcome to the club!:grin:

Thank you. I thought I was gonna have to get DH to have me committed. I feel like I judge every head of hair I see now. Its almost like a sickness.
Thank you. I thought I was gonna have to get DH to have me committed. I feel like I judge every head of hair I see now. Its almost like a sickness.

It's fun and a little :nono: at the same time. When I was in VA last weekend, I couldn't stop staring at all the chewed up, thinning, NL hair I saw. I was standing in line like this: :shocked:

But I also did the very same thing to the handful of healthy heads I did see. One girl, who I think was natural, has this cute frohawk going on with bright red coloring in the center. It was funky, and very cute on her. :yep:
i know how you feel. I have seen a few and I just feel like they think I'm some lesbo staring at them.

haha yes. i kept having to go back and forth past where she was sitting (packing up and putting things in storage cause our summer semester is over) and EVERY single time i was staring at her hair. HARD. girrrrrl it was fione!!!!!