I just relaxed my own hair...


New Member
And I must say it's not nearly as much of an undertaking as I thought it'd be. I decided to self relax because the lady I liked at Hair Cuttery went on ealry maternity leave, and I didn't want to go through the hassle and angst of finding another stylist.

I chose Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings for Fine hair because it was one of the lowest PH relaxers according the research of the old "relaxed sub club" at BHSGO. Where a regular relaxer is about a 11-13 PH...this one is only a 9 or 10. I also chose a no-lye over a lye, because I was too afraid that I would burn. I selected the fine hair formula because my hair is fine, and I wanted to choose the mildest formula possible to avoid overprocessing if my timing was off - and it was.

All in all, it went well. I was able to stay within the time limits for "normal" hair, and since I was using the "fine hair" formula I didn't worry so much about my application time. I'll practice getting it down to the "fine" hair timing - a difference of about 3 or 4 minutes. I left it on 16 minutes and the fine hair calls for 10-13.

I did it using the normal 4 section method, and applied it as quickly as I could. Next time, I may not use a rat tail comb, as I found the application was going well up until I swtiched from using the wooden spatula they provided to using the comb. The comb teeth kept catching random strands and getting relaxer too far down the length. But that was only in one section, and it was on the hair for less than 5 minutes. Next time I'm going to try using a brush so I have the rat tail end for parting, and the brush end of application.

Once it was processed all the way, I rinsed for about 5-10 full minutes and then neutralized with what came in the box. Since there was supposed to be a color alert, I checked and when I saw no pink lather, I got nervous that the shampoo wasn't working, so I beutralized about 4 times with the shampoo that came with, and once with Elasta's neutralizing shampoo - just because I like the way my hair feels better after that one.

It looks a little extra straight to me, but I am sitting with a Cholesterol conditioner on it now. I'll probably add some oil to this in a bit. I'll let you guys know how it all goes after the rollerset. /images/graemlins/weird.gif
OMG Tracy congratulations, so does this mean you will be doing your own touch-ups from now on? can't wait to see the results of the rollerset. congrats!!! perphaps we should start a self-relaxing club/challenge!!!
Good for you Tracy that is great! I'm trying to work up the nerve to self relax. I used to do it years ago, but now I'm concerned about taking to long in the back. How did you make sure not to overlap at the back of your hair? /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Good Job Tracy!!! I'm sure it looks beautiful. /images/graemlins/weird.gif

Welcome to self relaxing. Isn't it great to know that you are in control of the results and don't have to worry about your stylist talking on the phone too long or trying to run next door to the store and hurry back, all while the relaxer is on your hair. Or better yet, just looking at you while she's eating her lunch and keeps asking, "is it burning yet?" /images/graemlins/look.gif
WTG Tracy..I'm hoping to do my own in about 5 weeks too. Glad you had such a great experience. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Congratulations Tracy /images/graemlins/bouncy.gif I cant wait to see the results after the rollerset /images/graemlins/smile.gif -- jainygirl
Yayyy!!!! /images/graemlins/dance7.gif Forget about an LHCF Certified Stylist! Soon enough, we'll all be doing our OWN hair! /images/graemlins/wink.gif I am sure it looks fabulous!
congrats on your first self relaxer! hope everything turns out great with your beautiful hair! /images/graemlins/bouncy.gif
Congrats Tracy, I did mine last week and I don't think I'll ever be going back to the salon.

I'm sure you did a great job.
Congrats Tracy, I am sure it looks great!
I am sooo happy for all the self-relaxers...If only i can do my own /images/graemlins/cry3.gif
Congrats!! I think I'll be ready to relax myself in 2 more years.
Great news! I'm going to practice with Queen Helene Cholesterol conditioner. My mother says it has a similar texture to a relaxer. She did my last relaxer with Elasta QP Resistant strength and it turned out well so (unless I go to a salon) I'll be using this brand too. I want to try it again to make up my mind for sure. All of you ladies that are self-relaxing are inspiring me.
Congrats, Tracy. I'm sure things turned out beautifully. Can we look forward to a few pics? /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Well - I'll be honest - the verdict is still out. I don't know how I feel. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

On the one hand, I did love (as many of you mentioned) being able to my hair on my own time (LOL! @ Kitch), do the things *I* wanted to do, and take the steps after the relaxer that I chose.

But my hair does not feel the same as when I have it done professionally. Don't get me wrong...I did a good job. /images/graemlins/smile.gif The only real boo boo were a few pretty sore burns on my scalp. I felt them burning while I was rinsing. Annd it was a NO LYE! /images/graemlins/crazy.gif. But all in all - no real major damage was done I don't think. There's no excessive shedding, my hair is not breaking and it's relatively soft. But it is a lot straighter than it usually is, and it's missing some bounce that it usually has after a professional relaxer.

So - Den, the answer is I'm still not sure if I'm going to self-relax again. I may give it one more try next time around to see if I can use a different brand. I also think I need to master Lye if I can manage it. As it stands, it appears it won't matter either way - if I'm gonna burn I'm gonna burn...lye or no lye. I suspected I had an overly sensitive scalp. Now I KNOW I do. If I can burn from a no-lye children's relaxer for FINE hair... /images/graemlins/crazy.gif I'm in trouble.

So that's the results. No pics right now (my digi cam is on the fritz) but I'll update in a week or two when I have a better sense of how my hair is holding up. If my camera's working by then, I'll post then.

And thanks for all the well wishes guys! I appreciate all of the support.
Congrats Tracy! I used to relax my own hair and with the exception of one hair dresser/stylist, I did a much better job.

I know you are really careful and do a lot of research when you try things with your hair, but I do recommend you be very, very careful with switching relaxer brands.
(of course it's been quite awhile since I have relaxed so memory is veeeryyyyy fuzzy /images/graemlins/smile.gif )