I Just Received Raw Shea Butter - What Do I Do?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I haven't posted in the hair section in ages.

So I received a gift of raw shea butter straight from West Africa a couple of days ago and I'm at a loss on how to make it usable.

Initially, I thought I'd just put it straight in my hair, but the moment I opened that container, I knew it was a no-go. The smell knocked me back! I obviously can't have my head smelling like that.

So now what?
I dunno... I melt all my butters, add a good amount of choice oil and whip them for a body butter. I still relax my hair so I use this same mixture (or straight unmixed butter) to base my scalp. Sometimes I use it on my face... my hair is fine so I can't use shea butter, relaxed or natural, straight on it. I'd not have hair if I did lol.