I just made flaxseed gel for the first time, but.....


New Member
I'm excited that I made my first batch of flaxseed gel ever! (with my sister's help)

The video I watched said I can save the seeds for the next time I make the gel. She said keep them in an airtight container, but should I refrigerate them or can they be left in my room?
Ladies, What are the benefits of Flaxseed Gel?

If Im askin for too much I understand...Lol!
Flax seeds are really cheap and it takes so little to make gel. A small bag usually lasts me for years. What are the benefits of freezing and reusing? Do you get extra conditioning power if you use them twice?
Tiye I dont think theres any 'extra' conditioning power.. personally I'm just cheap. :look: I agree with the bag lasting a long time, but I chose to freeze mine after the first use because there just seemed to still be some 'gel' in those seeds and I didnt want to toss them :giggle: dont judge me... like I said.. I'm just cheap and hate to throw anything away that I think 'might' be useful on another day
newgrowth15, so far I've only used it once for a WnG and my hair felt really soft and the hold was looser than when I used KCCC or One 'n Only Argan Oil Curl Cream. The heat in Atlanta was insane last week (when I used the gel) and I was having issues taking care of my hair overall so it is kind of hard for me to really judge. I think I'm going to use it to style my hair when I do my next full wash on Saturday and subsequently for my WnG next Wednesday. I'll let you know my thoughts one I use it again.