I Just Have To Say Thank You!


New Member
I just took a pic of the back of my hair to put in my siggy. I must say my results are beyond believe my ends are so full and thick.

So I send out a big Thank you to all the ladies who's fotki's I stalked, who's myspace I stalked and who's livejournal I stalked. Also to all the members of this forum who have given a hand unbeknown est to them.

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction and showing me the right things to do to my hair and the wrong things to not do to my hair.

You guys are so awesome and great

Thank you.

Taken Today

divinefavor said:
Your hair looks wonderful!!! Keep up the good work!

Agreed. This forum is a wealth of information, hair and otherwise.

I feel sad when I see women walking around with destroyed hair. There is information absolutely everywhere to help them!
Wow...so full and beautiful looking! Congrats on all your hard work and your beautiful results!! :grin: What techniques and products have been working for you?
