I just HAD to post this


Well-Known Member
<font color="red">Ladies, I really need to vent this time. Over the weekend, I went to a funeral. At the funeral was a whole bunch of my husband's family that I have not seen in years. I did a blow-out on my hair and bumped the ends - it was classic - my twin says it looked long, thick &amp; healthy...

Anyway, one chick actually walked up behind me when I was talking with relatives &amp; whatnot and had her 3 year old son lift up parts of my hair so she could look under it to see if it was a weave!!!

Couldn't she just ASK? I guess other relatives were in on it because I saw her in a huddle with them as she was "reporting back."

I swear, if it wasn't a funeral...
Triflin woman teaching her son horrible habits. But, I'm glad to hear that you had it going on THAT good that she just HAD to know!
LaNecia, is that your son? He's handsome, you are probably very proud of him :-)

Andreamarie, that's SOO tacky seems like she had a big glass of haterade that morning. If it was a weave, so what? People really need to learn to mind their own business.
Oh my goodness that's terrible! But congrats on having beautiful hair! You know you looked good if someone used special tactics to get a view of your hair!
It is terrible how some women can be. And what would do it for me is the fact that she was probably hoping it was a weave so that she could have something to talk about.
That is ridiculous on so many levels:
1. she got her son in cohoots to see if your hair was real
2. God forbid a black woman have thick healthy hair, right?
3. why is she at a FUNERAL and more concerned about your hair than her deceased relative?

What happened was truly a shame - and disrespectful to whomever was being commemorated. It makes me wonder what serious, underlying demons must plague a person into behaving that way at a funeral.
Puzzling behavior not withstanding...

Andrea Maria, I'm sorry for your loss.
LaNecia.....I have been meaning to tell you that your son is absolutely handsome! Are the little girls calling yet?
Behold the power of hair.

Heck, I would've eased up and interviewed you on the hair care too. Do you mind if I take notes?
Oh my gosh. A grown woman! That is so low and immature. I'm mad at her and I wasn't even there!
So is my avatar!
<font color="purple"> Thanks ladies. For a minute there, I thought I was trippin'! I really did not want to stoop to her level at all, but I think she still needs to be called out. Maybe I should print this thread and mail it to her
... Naaaaaa. I guess I'll just have to let this one slide - afterall, haters will be haters.

pradalover said:
You need to borrow a child (if you do not have one yourself) and get him / her to
her ass next time you see her.


megonw said:

Behold the power of hair.

Heck, I would've eased up and interviewed you on the hair care too. Do you mind if I take notes?

2. God forbid a black woman have thick healthy hair, right?

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That's exactly what I thought when I read this post Miss_Brown. Why is it that whenever people see a black woman with hair they immediately think "weave".?
Thanks Blaxalrose and Daviine for compliments, yes, that's my son. And yes, the girlies are calling,....
blaxalrose said:
If it was a weave, so what? People really need to learn to mind their own business.

[/ QUOTE ]

Amen! The sad thing is that were ADULTS...at a funeral! I think that HAIR would be the last thing on my mind at a funeral. People can be so idiotic sometimes...
brismom said:
Just pray for her. It is apparent that she has some serious problems coping with real life.

[/ QUOTE ]

Geez, some people....that is so rude and inappropriate... But hey, you know your hair must be looking good, right? Let's prove all 'em wrong, black women CAN have pretty hair that's REAL.
The next time you see her or call her on the phone and tell her how you felt and how ignorant she is at a funeral. Tell her that you thought everyone was there to pay respect for the decease not to inspect each others hair.