I just had to ask: Long haired ladies, does it ever end??


Well-Known Member
I just want to know if when you reach your hair goal is their a point where you can stop all the baggying, protective styling and enjoy the fruits of your labour.

I know we are allways going to have to moisturise once or twice daily but does the protien, silk scarves, deep conditioners, cholesterol, buns, sealers spray bottles, forum checking, vitamins last forever for I feel I will loose the will to live if this is me for the next 5 years or indeed the rest of my life:perplexed I will probably be broke as hell.

Is there anyone out there who has achieved the lenght they want who has a really simple *** routine, is waistlength more consuming to take care of. I need a break already lol!:baby2:
For me it will never end. I will always do what I need to do to keep my hair healthy and keep the length I worked hard for and plus I really enjoy doing it. I think once you get to your goal you can enjoy it, actually you can enjoy it now as long as you're not over-doing it.

I have a simple regimen and I don't do protective styles. I just make sure to dc a couple times a month and do a protein once or twice a month, moisturize daily, and stay away from direct heat that's about it so it dosen't have to be hard or break your wallet. All the other stuff I do and products I buy is extra, it's not really something I have to do to get long hair.
For me it will never end. I will always do what I need to do to keep my hair healthy and keep the length I worked hard for and plus I really enjoy doing it. I think once you get to your goal you can enjoy it, actually you can enjoy it now as long as you're not over-doing it.

I have a simple regimen and I don't do protective styles. I just make sure to dc a couple times a month and do a protein once or twice a month, moisturize daily, and stay away from direct heat that's about it so it dosen't have to be hard or break your wallet. All the other stuff I do and products I buy is extra, it's not really something I have to do to get long hair.

I agree with bolded. My hair is nowhere near long, but when it gets there I believe I will continue with same regimen to keep my hair healthy. My hair requires lots of TLC, it can break very easily. The protein, silk scarfes, and DC's especially moisture are an absolute must for me or else my hair will be breaking left and right.

I notice a lot of women here who got to their goals had a very simple regimen. They moisturize daily, use occasional protein, DC once a week, low manipulation, and that's it.
Girl take your break and enjoy your hair :yay:
Once I reach my goal of BSL/MBL I will be satisfied with that and I'll just upkeep.. The only thing I do differently now is baggie b/c when stretching relaxer my hair requires more moisture... I'll be doing the same thing I'm doing now which is keeping it simple and maintaining healthy hair..
I just want to know if when you reach your hair goal is their a point where you can stop all the baggying, protective styling and enjoy the fruits of your labour.

I know we are allways going to have to moisturise once or twice daily but does the protien, silk scarves, deep conditioners, cholesterol, buns, sealers spray bottles, forum checking, vitamins last forever for I feel I will loose the will to live if this is me for the next 5 years or indeed the rest of my life:perplexed I will probably be broke as hell.

Is there anyone out there who has achieved the lenght they want who has a really simple *** routine, is waistlength more consuming to take care of. I need a break already lol!:baby2:
Well, I simply look at it this way. If I want to continue having long, healthy hair on my head, I still have to take good care of it.

I tried the baggy method (years ago), and I only did it for a short time.

I still do protective styles because protective styles are convenient for me, and I actually like protective styles.

I do get to enjoy my long hair (if you're referring to wearing it down). I just don't wear it down everyday (because I don't want to).
I think its a way of life if you want to maintain the hair you've gained. So no it never ends.
For me it will never end. I will always do what I need to do to keep my hair healthy and keep the length I worked hard for and plus I really enjoy doing it. I think once you get to your goal you can enjoy it, actually you can enjoy it now as long as you're not over-doing it.

I have a simple regimen and I don't do protective styles. I just make sure to dc a couple times a month and do a protein once or twice a month, moisturize daily, and stay away from direct heat that's about it so it dosen't have to be hard or break your wallet. All the other stuff I do and products I buy is extra, it's not really something I have to do to get long hair.

^^What she said. ^^
For me it will never end. I will always do what I need to do to keep my hair healthy and keep the length I worked hard for and plus I really enjoy doing it. I think once you get to your goal you can enjoy it, actually you can enjoy it now as long as you're not over-doing it.

I agree. It's kind of like losing weight. When you have a goal weight to reach, your regimen and schedule is much more intense depending on how fast you want to get there. When you reach your goal, you go into a maintenance phase. It might not be as regimented and hardcore as before, but you know that if you don't follow it you'll end up back where you started.

I think a lot of the product shopping/hopping and regimens is more about fun and experimentation than feeling like you have to do all of these things. Once you find the system that works for you, it becomes second nature.
No not completely. I agree with the other ladies that you go into a maintenance phase. I will proabably always wear protective styles and try to take good care of my hair, b/c i want to have long healthy soft hair, not dry parched rough long hair.
I'll use the analogy of my weight loss journey: when I initially made the conscience, committed decision to lose weight, I was aware (almost anal) about everything I ate. I journaled faithfully (WW), measured my servings, drink all the water, etc. At first, it all seemed like a big pain. Once I met my goal, I could relax a little, but I still maintained the habits that allowed me to lose the weight. Ultimately, it boiled down to a lifestyle change. I think some of the same can ring true for maintaining a healthy head of hair, which is why many of the ladies have answered "yes," they will maintain their routines. It's just like weight loss: if you go back to your old habits -- you'll regain the weight and if you don't take care of your hair -- well, we all know the results of that. But maintaining a healthy head of hair doesn't mean you can't enjoy the fruits of your labor. I personally enjoy my hair to the fullest -- when I wanna wear it down, I do and when I want a more protective style I go that route, too. I don't want to feel like a prisoner to my hair, but I do want to care for it the best that I can.
I agree. It's kind of like losing weight. When you have a goal weight to reach, your regimen and schedule is much more intense depending on how fast you want to get there. When you reach your goal, you go into a maintenance phase. It might not be as regimented and hardcore as before, but you know that if you don't follow it you'll end up back where you started.

I think a lot of the product shopping/hopping and regimens is more about fun and experimentation than feeling like you have to do all of these things. Once you find the system that works for you, it becomes second nature.

I totally agree with the bold.:yep:
I think its a way of life if you want to maintain the hair you've gained. So no it never ends.

I agree with this :)

If you want to keep your ends thick and healthy and your hair to remain beautiful you have to be diligent and moisturize, deep condition, protect your hair from wind and cold etc.

It's just like working out and eating healthy. Once you have your "perfect" body, you have to keep working at it not to lose it.
I will be maintaining like the other ladies have said. My regimen now is simple and to the point since I am just playing a waiting game on length now that my hair is healthy. I think my maintaining regimen will be the same. The only thing I won't be doing is protective styling at all times, I will wear my hair out a little more.