I just had the worst experience at the salon!


Well-Known Member
I booked this hairstylist on IG to do some butterfly locs for me. Our appointment was for 7:00pm. At 6pm she messages me and asks if I can come from 7:30pm because she is running late. I tell her, "Ok, no prob. Thanks for letting me know "

I get there and I tell her about a small patch of hair that I cut accidentally. I try to tell hairstylist this because I don't want them to think I'll blame them for it later on. She asks me what type of part I want and I show her a pic from IG. The pic wasn't the best, so I offered to find another one for her. She said she understood what I mean so it was cool.

First, she was playing hip hop REALLY loud so I asked her to turn the music down. Ya'll my ears were HURTING and it's a tiny space. She obliges. Then she puts on a movie. I noticed a little bit of tension so I asked her what movie she was playing to try to create some convo. She just gives me a one-word answer.

On her website, it says that the style takes 2 hours and 30 min. As time is going on I start to get worried because it's getting late. It gets to be 10 pm, then 10:30pm and I'm worried I'm gonna be here after the bus stops running. I kinda noticed she kept getting distracted by Youtube and Postmates.

But mind you I didn't say anything because I don't like rushing people when they're doing my hair! She asked me if she could take a break to eat. I kinda hesitated but I told her, "Ok, go ahead." I noticed that she never went but I didn't say anything.

She's playing hip hop and I politely asked her to turn it down again because my ears were really hurting. She turned it down a little bit.

I'm looking at the mirror at the style meanwhile she's doing it because there have been so many times where I have left the salon disappointed. I want to make sure I'm getting what I want! I asked her if she could do a side part for me. She said she would do it in the middle and both sides. Then I asked if she could twist the hair in the style I wanted so it could kinda stay in place. She said she would lay it down with mousse. I kind of didn't understand what she was explaining at first because of her mask, plus the music was loud. She explained again then I told her okay, it was cool.

She finally finishes and starts to take pictures for IG. I really didn't feel comfortable taking them but I kinda felt like there was tension so I didn't say anything. I give her my card for payment and I asked for the final price. I initially thought it was less, but she informed me that the midback length cost more. I told her okay and paid. I had to ask her to repeat her again because the music was LOUD. She kinda walked off kind of... strangely but I made sure I waved goodbye and thanked her.

I leave the salon and I'm standing in the hallway of the building trying to figure out if I'm taking the bus or calling a Lyft. I hear this woman on my phone with her BF going OFF. She was like, "NO, BECAUSE SHE WAS TIGHT. She was looking in the mirror every 5 min! And this B kept asking me to turn down the music! "

Ya'll, I just called my Lyft and left. I was so shocked. Never again will I go to her. I don't even think what I said to her was even that bad to elicit that type of response? I told sis she could eat!
I booked this hairstylist on IG to do some butterfly locs for me. Our appointment was for 7:00pm. At 6pm she messages me and asks if I can come from 7:30pm because she is running late. I tell her, "Ok, no prob. Thanks for letting me know "

I get there and I tell her about a small patch of hair that I cut accidentally. I try to tell hairstylist this because I don't want them to think I'll blame them for it later on. She asks me what type of part I want and I show her a pic from IG. The pic wasn't the best, so I offered to find another one for her. She said she understood what I mean so it was cool.

First, she was playing hip hop REALLY loud so I asked her to turn the music down. Ya'll my ears were HURTING and it's a tiny space. She obliges. Then she puts on a movie. I noticed a little bit of tension so I asked her what movie she was playing to try to create some convo. She just gives me a one-word answer.

On her website, it says that the style takes 2 hours and 30 min. As time is going on I start to get worried because it's getting late. It gets to be 10 pm, then 10:30pm and I'm worried I'm gonna be here after the bus stops running. I kinda noticed she kept getting distracted by Youtube and Postmates.

But mind you I didn't say anything because I don't like rushing people when they're doing my hair! She asked me if she could take a break to eat. I kinda hesitated but I told her, "Ok, go ahead." I noticed that she never went but I didn't say anything.

She's playing hip hop and I politely asked her to turn it down again because my ears were really hurting. She turned it down a little bit.

I'm looking at the mirror at the style meanwhile she's doing it because there have been so many times where I have left the salon disappointed. I want to make sure I'm getting what I want! I asked her if she could do a side part for me. She said she would do it in the middle and both sides. Then I asked if she could twist the hair in the style I wanted so it could kinda stay in place. She said she would lay it down with mousse. I kind of didn't understand what she was explaining at first because of her mask, plus the music was loud. She explained again then I told her okay, it was cool.

She finally finishes and starts to take pictures for IG. I really didn't feel comfortable taking them but I kinda felt like there was tension so I didn't say anything. I give her my card for payment and I asked for the final price. I initially thought it was less, but she informed me that the midback length cost more. I told her okay and paid. I had to ask her to repeat her again because the music was LOUD. She kinda walked off kind of... strangely but I made sure I waved goodbye and thanked her.

I leave the salon and I'm standing in the hallway of the building trying to figure out if I'm taking the bus or calling a Lyft. I hear this woman on my phone with her BF going OFF. She was like, "NO, BECAUSE SHE WAS TIGHT. She was looking in the mirror every 5 min! And this B kept asking me to turn down the music! "

Ya'll, I just called my Lyft and left. I was so shocked. Never again will I go to her. I don't even think what I said to her was even that bad to elicit that type of response? I told sis she could eat!

I’m sorry you had to deal with that. You didn’t say anything wrong to her. I’ve had a few negative experiences dealing with IG beauticians myself, and I’ve heard similar stories from others.

Unfortunately, many of these small business owners think that running a business is nothing more than offering a service/product, providing the service/product, then collecting payment. Things like professionalism, customer service, and time-management are things they simply don’t know enough about or couldn’t care less about. In fact, some of them will act like they’re doing you a favor by letting you sit in their chair.

I’ll refrain from speaking on how this is an issue within the black community since you didn’t specifically say she was black (even though I think it’s safe to assume she is).
You did nothing wrong. The fact that you had to ask her to turn the music down more than once is crazy. I hate the payment hustle... they wait until the end to tell you it is more instead of clarifying upfront.

I would send her an email. Let her know that I was displeased with the experience and that the only Bxtch was her daddy. I'm sure she wouldn't take the constructive criticism.

A lot of these horror stories are why I learned how to do my own hair. I go to the salon but not because I have to
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Yeah, she was black. She seems like she's in her early 20s, but STILL. I had a 17 year old do my hair at a salon before and she was very polite! Granted, it wasn't the best style I've had before but she really tried to make me happy! I'd rather go to a stylist like that rather than someone with a bad attitude.

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You are brave to be going to a stylist in these times. I need to go to the dentist for a clean and refuse. About to google how to buy my own equipment and clean my own teeth :look: I stopped going to the salon after I found LHCF. It’s not worth the occasional nightmare experiences. This hairstylist was obviously clueless about etiquette and probably thought you were too bourgeois. I would have refused the pics. I think it’s in poor taste to just take clients‘ pics and post them without their consent. I hope your hair at least looked good after going through that?
How did your hair turn out?
I hate that you experienced this...
It looks good but I can't even really enjoy the style because the experience was so awful.

You are brave to be going to a stylist in these times. I need to go to the dentist for a clean and refuse. About to google how to buy my own equipment and clean my own teeth :look: I stopped going to the salon after I found LHCF. It’s not worth the occasional nightmare experiences. This hairstylist was obviously clueless about etiquette and probably thought you were too bourgeois. I would have refused the pics. I think it’s in poor taste to just take clients‘ pics and post them without their consent. I hope your hair at least looked good after going through that?

We were the only ones in the salon. It was a small space.

How in god's earth is asking not to lose your hearing bougie though? My ears were ringing. It was like a nightclub. If you would have heard this woman screaming on the phone with her man, I've never seen anything like that in my life
I had to Google butterfly locs. Man, those are so pretty!

I'm sorry to hear about your salon experience. It can be stressful sitting in a random stylist's chair. This is why I use the same stylist for everything.

I know alot of lhcf'ers are diy-ers but some of us aren't, like myself :look:
This would freak me out. She sounds like she is on meds that are not right for her or needed meds because everything you mentioned.. need to play loud music.. oblivious and takes offense to nothing.. brain dramatizing mild conversation to some sort of battle scene..strange vibe...
It's like 2 ppl I know who actually did even worse on meds.

The constant strangeness you mention, tension... seems she has those type of issues.
As you can sense some sort of simmering anger or subdued aggression which is illogical to the situation.

One of my brothers is on meds that are not right for him -- since being on them there is always that tension and unpleasant experiences ...where they read a whole story into nothing... illogically..brain is not doing well... and go ballistic.
I would put it down to that, it was not about you her brain is not doing well for whatever reason...

not return of course. Sorry you went through that.
If you’re blocked does that mean you can’t see her account anymore or you can’t post any comments? If you can, I’d report her for using pics without your permission. Not sure if that’s a reportable offense but I’d try.

I had a bad experience years ago with a nail tech I found on Instagram. I decided then that I’d never go to a new stylist or nail tech unless I’d been referred or knew a customer. It’s too many people out here hustlin for me to deal with this nonsense.
I'm sorry you had this experience.

I've tried but I can't with IG stylists. The first one set up a consult with me but conveniently forgot to tell me she moved to another salon 40+ miles away. I only found out because I went to her original salon and no one knew who she was.

The second one had plans to do a salon tour in NY. But COVID-19 hit. It took 3 rescheduled appts before I finally got my deposit refunded - 9 months later.
The tone was set when you dared to ask her to turn down her music. She was clearly offended by that.

I don’t understand, in these very financially challenging times, why salon owners like these don’t really educate themselves on the value and importance of the customer experience. It’s so business critical in normal circumstances, nevermind in COVID ravaged times.

She’s taken pictures of your hair which is your personal data, you should contact her and insist that the pictures are taken down. Just say that you didn’t give consent for your personal image to be used in this way.
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Wow I am so sorry you went through this. It's not easy to find a good stylist...I've had too many bad experiences myself which is why I became a DIY'er. My goal is to learn more complex protective styles like goddess loc, butterfly locs, etc.

Sometimes I just want to relax and enjoy someone else doing my hair....But people just don't know how to have common decency and some darn common sense when trying to run these "businesses". It's not worth the trouble anymore :-(
Wow I am so sorry you went through this. It's not easy to find a good stylist...I've had too many bad experiences myself which is why I became a DIY'er. My goal is to learn more complex protective styles like goddess loc, butterfly locs, etc.

Sometimes I just want to relax and enjoy someone else doing my hair....But people just don't know how to have common decency and some darn common sense when trying to run these "businesses". It's not worth the trouble anymore :-(

I wish women's would have get togethers with sisters or cousins or friends. To do stuff like that. But life is too fast paced and hectic.
My BFFs from one school, both sisters from Nigeria , did intricate braided extensions and designs and they had like 5 sisters total plus their mom doing new styles all the time ..and they just learned growing up.
I had to Google butterfly locs. Man, those are so pretty!

I'm sorry to hear about your salon experience. It can be stressful sitting in a random stylist's chair. This is why I use the same stylist for everything.

I know alot of lhcf'ers are diy-ers but some of us aren't, like myself :look:
Yeah my natural stylist who trims my hair doesn't do any type of extension.

This would freak me out. She sounds like she is on meds that are not right for her or needed meds because everything you mentioned.. need to play loud music.. oblivious and takes offense to nothing.. brain dramatizing mild conversation to some sort of battle scene..strange vibe...
It's like 2 ppl I know who actually did even worse on meds.

The constant strangeness you mention, tension... seems she has those type of issues.
As you can sense some sort of simmering anger or subdued aggression which is illogical to the situation.

One of my brothers is on meds that are not right for him -- since being on them there is always that tension and unpleasant experiences ...where they read a whole story into nothing... illogically..brain is not doing well... and go ballistic.
I would put it down to that, it was not about you her brain is not doing well for whatever reason...

not return of course. Sorry you went through that.

Yes girl, I was freaked out! I was gonna say something but I said let me get out of here because we might start fighting. She was soooo ANGRY.

If you’re blocked does that mean you can’t see her account anymore or you can’t post any comments? If you can, I’d report her for using pics without your permission. Not sure if that’s a reportable offense but I’d try.

I had a bad experience years ago with a nail tech I found on Instagram. I decided then that I’d never go to a new stylist or nail tech unless I’d been referred or knew a customer. It’s too many people out here hustlin for me to deal with this nonsense.
I can't see her account Then I looked at the page through a private browsing window and I was able to view it. My picture isn't up there.

I'm sorry you had this experience.

I've tried but I can't with IG stylists. The first one set up a consult with me but conveniently forgot to tell me she moved to another salon 40+ miles away. I only found out because I went to her original salon and no one knew who she was.

The second one had plans to do a salon tour in NY. But COVID-19 hit. It took 3 rescheduled appts before I finally got my deposit refunded - 9 months later.


The tone was set when you dared to ask her to turn down her music. She was clearly offended by that.

I don’t understand, in these very financially challenging times, why salon owners like these don’t really educate themselves on the value and importance of the customer experience. It’s so business critical in normal circumstances, nevermind in COVID ravaged times.

She’s taken pictures of your hair which is your personal data, you should contact her and insist that the pictures are taken down. Just say that you didn’t give consent for your personal image to be used in this way.
I honestly don't understand that. Also, she wasn't finished until after 12AM. What if she hadn't rushed as she had claimed she was? I probably wouldn't have left until 1AM or later. Who stays at a salon that late? Why am I walking the street that late at night?

I don't see my pics up, thank god.

Wow I am so sorry you went through this. It's not easy to find a good stylist...I've had too many bad experiences myself which is why I became a DIY'er. My goal is to learn more complex protective styles like goddess loc, butterfly locs, etc.

Sometimes I just want to relax and enjoy someone else doing my hair....But people just don't know how to have common decency and some darn common sense when trying to run these "businesses". It's not worth the trouble anymore :-(

Yeah, I just don't have the patience to do box braids, etc.

If I want my hair done a certain way, it should be. When I was a teen I used to let people do anything they wanted in my head, so I had to learn to speak up! It's like she was offended the whole time
Wow I am so sorry you went through this. It's not easy to find a good stylist...I've had too many bad experiences myself which is why I became a DIY'er. My goal is to learn more complex protective styles like goddess loc, butterfly locs, etc.

Sometimes I just want to relax and enjoy someone else doing my hair....But people just don't know how to have common decency and some darn common sense when trying to run these "businesses". It's not worth the trouble anymore :-(

I miss the feeling of someone shampooing my hair, and just sitting back and letting someone else take care if it, it can feel so relaxing. But stories like the OP’s quickly remind me it would be better to just save my time and money.
if you can leave a review on her accounts, trust pilot or google, facebook pages then do so. to act as a warning to other people maybe she will change her tune then when people stop going to her.

The only problem with leaving a review on an account that she runs is that she could vet and delete them. Better to do it in a third party site like Google or Yelp.

Sorry OP, that experience sounds awful.

I find that there are too many people who think that they know hair just because they have IG and an opinion. You can add the stylists to that bunch, after that. :look:
I don’t understand, in these very financially challenging times, why salon owners like these don’t really educate themselves on the value and importance of the customer experience. It’s so business critical in normal circumstances, nevermind in COVID ravaged times.
You can’t really categorize IG stylists. Aren't most stylists on IG?

I’ve run into a lot of black stylists that don’t know about customer service. I just don’t deal with them at all.

I remember one girl where I asked to be the first appointment and she agreed. I walked in on time and she was doing someone else’s hair. I sat in her waiting area and made an appointment with another stylist right in front of her then walked out. I’ve walked out of several stylists were I’ve made appointments and was not even acknowledged, I’ll wait 15 minutes maximum then I’m OUT.

Defies logic.
Do they want the money or not?
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You can’t really categorize IG stylists. Aren't most stylists on IG?

I’ve run into a lot of black stylists that don’t know about customer service. I just don’t deal with then at all.

I remember one girl where I asked to be the first appointment and she agreed. I walked in on time and she was doing someone else’s hair. I sat in her waiting area and made an appointment with another stylist right in front of her then walked out. I’ve walked out of several stylists were I’ve made appointments and was not even acknowledged, I’ll wait 15 minutes maximum then I’m OUT.

Defies logic.
Do they want the money or not?

There are stylists that I follow who will do the before and after shots and that's it in order to showcase their work. Or the mid-styling video to showcase technique, especially if they're working with natural hair. Some also provide simple product or hair care tips. Their pages have clean and simple branding strategies.

Then you have the others who will make the videos and it's 59 seconds of floofing the clients hair after they style it. Or (my pet peeve) they'll have a client with 4c hair and jack that hair up as much as they can for the before shot so that it looks awful compared to the final silk press. Unnecessary click bait for more likes.

I watched an IGTV last week of one stylist who spent about 10+ minutes cursing out people who tag her unnecessarily, naturals who have long hair but not hydrated to her standards, other stylists who don't care for their natural clients hair properly, and above all social media [hair] influencers. All sorts of curse words were coming out of her mouth while she was washing her son's hair and her other child was off camera. I took a peek at her profile and she had a video post about how she likes to smoke up.

To me there is a difference between the first one and the other two. First one reads hair stylist with an IG account. Second one reads IG stylist -- they style and with the purpose of getting more "likes" not necessarily business traffic because they don't realize that they don't equate to the same thing.
Social media has skewed the customer - stylist relationship. The stylist have all these rules about what customer need to do to sit in their (business) chairs but what happened to how you treat your customer? A greeting, a clean, calm environment, consistent pricing, a discussion of the hair style wanted and if the stylist can realistically achieve it. That isn't asking much.
@vevster - I am good for walking out of a salon. I left with conditioner in my hair last time. I gave her a couple dollars for the shampoo, I brought all my own products anyway... but yeah I left. I don't have time or the desire to play stupid games.

I try to avoid a new stylist when I have an event so I don't feel pressured to stay.
Since I went natural I had one bad experience with one stylist but the rest were great. The rates are not cheap, but I get the service.
Since I went natural I had one bad experience with one stylist but the rest were great. The rates are not cheap, but I get the service.
I've had a hard time finding a full service stylist since going natural. I go in washed, conditioned, detangled and blow dryed. Even my current stylist... smh.
I never even heard of Instagram stylist until i saw this thread, can someone post a link as I'd like to take a look at one of these people.

Additionally you should question if they have formal qualifications to do be a stylist. In UK you don't need to have any qualifications to be a hairdresser, ridiculous.
Social media has skewed the customer - stylist relationship. The stylist have all these rules about what customer need to do to sit in their (business) chairs but what happened to how you treat your customer? A greeting, a clean, calm environment, consistent pricing, a discussion of the hair style wanted and if the stylist can realistically achieve it. That isn't asking much.
What kind of rules are there?