I just had an epiphany...


old head
This may be a little lengthy, just go with it

As you probably have gathered from a couple of my recent posts, I'm planning on a big regimen change which involves the regular use of heat to straighten my newgrowth. I'm nervous because heat damage was my main problem when I first started searching the internet for hair care tips. I don't want to ruin my hair after all this time.

I know that I've learned a lot about hair care since then that will help me do better this time. I had never even heard of doing protein treatments or using protein specifically in my regimen--now I can't live without my GPB. I was REALLY bad about tying my hair up at night. I slept in my ponytail on a rough pillowcase (I've got a section of shorter hair in the crown area to this day because of that
). I used a curling iron/flat iron on dirty hair (when it had been blowdried on high heat a few days earlier too). I blowdried all the way to the ends and didn't really do it in sections--just every which way

My epiphany, though, is about moisturizing. I did moisturize back then, but I was afraid of weighed-down, greasy hair. I of course didn't like the look or feel of dry, frizzy hair, so if my hair was dry, I'd put in some moisturizer. I probably didn't put in enough, but that's not the point. The point is that I only put it in if my hair felt dry.

You know when health experts say that you should drink enough water that you never really feel thirsty? If you feel thirsty that means you're already dehydrated and the damage has already begun. I just realized that the same is true for hair. If your hair is healthy, it won't ever feel dry. I know plenty of you know this already, but for some reason it just REALLY clicked for me when I was thinking back to my pre-LHCF days.

I blowdried my hair this past Sunday, and I was having all sorts of horrible flashbacks of crispy hair; As a result I've been a little paranoid this week. I've been moisturizing at night and in the morning regardless of how my hair feels. And surprise, surprise, my hair hasn't felt dry all week. It feels just as smooth and soft as it did after I first blowdried it. My roots have puffed up a little from the moisture, but not enough to really bother me. I'm wearing it pulled back anyway so as long as it looks ok I'm fine with it.

I have hope for this new regimen. I haven't gotten all the details sorted out yet, and I don't know what I'm going to do with all my extra products once I have my staples narrowed down, but I think once I get used to it and stick with it, my hair will benefit

Okay, I just wanted to share. Thanks for reading
Hey girl i hope this regimen works well for you. About five years ago my hair was only about a couple inches aways from bra strap when straightened and my curls had alot of definition. But i really wanted str8 hair so i beggecd my mom to hot comb my hair for me and after that first hot comb i entered disasterville. It was horrible i use to hot comb and flat iron my hair EVERYday before school, and i use to wash my hair about ever 2-3 weeks. Sometiemes the iron would be too hot and my hair would burn off alittle since i hardly knew what i was doing. Thinking about it now just makes me cringe. Hair care knowledge can do wonders. Now i'm trying to regain the length i once had and even try to go beyond that. So i wish you the best with your new regimen, keep taking good care of that hair.
Thanks, prettyinpink

I have a gajillion moisturizers, but this week (
) I'm using Profectiv Long N healthy at night, and Frizz Ease Relax Daily Replenisher in the morning

I'm almost out of the daily replenisher, I'm just trying to use it up. When I run out I'll be using Profectiv Root Health in the morning.
I think the use of minimal heat will be fine as long as you are very careful with the temperature and the frequency of heat. I also use heat, but only every 2 weeks and I haven't experienced any ill effects. As we all know, we have to find what works best for you.

I hope your new routine works out for you
BlackCardinal said:
You know when health experts say that you should drink enough water that you never really feel thirsty? If you feel thirsty that means you're already dehydrated and the damage has already begun. I just realized that the same is true for hair. If your hair is healthy, it won't ever feel dry.

[/ QUOTE ]

That makes a lot of sense.
To add on that moisture thing, before coming to this forum, I was following Brenda's regimen ( blackwomenrejoice.com ). It was that regimen that got me washing my hair more often. And the point of washing more often was to add moisture to hair. Basically, I washed my hair any time it felt dry. Believe it or not, I used no leave in, most of the time. I just condition washed as often as I needed to to keep my hair soft ie moisturized. (I'm natural and wore braids during that time.) I'd shampoo once a week...but again only just as a way to add moisture to my hair. I used Nexxus then...and my conditioner was Humectress which can be used as a leave-in too, and since Brenda believes in a little dilute conditioner as a leave in, I trusted my choice coz it is meant to be used as one. And I tell ya, my hair grew the longest I'd ever known it to grow in two years. From one inch to up to 9 inches between August 2001 and beginning of July 2003 ie the time I joined the forum. And that is with regular triming. /images/graemlins/smile.gif (The longest I'd ever had my hair before this was 5-6 inches - which was when I had a jheri curl /images/graemlins/tongue.gif .) So there's a lot to be said about keeping your hair's thirst quenched at all times. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks for sharing BC. I'm still working on what works for my hair. Keep us posted on your results. Please be careful with the heat. May I suggest letting your hair air dry a little before using the blow dryer. Good luck.
Good luck BlackCardinal! Your observations make a lot of sense to me. If you use moisture, moisture, moisture your hair should be able to take the additional heat and still stay healthy. Please keep us posted on your progress!
Take care,