I just got my first relaxer in 2 years!


New Member
I prayed and God answered by sending me this site!

A few weeks ago, I wrote asking you ladies whether I should continue pressing my hair or to get a relaxer: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=73724

I decided to get a relaxer. My stylist who I have been going to since November told me that I would do well to get Affirm No-lye mild because I have a sensitive scalp and fine hair.

This morning I had my appointment. I was very nervous, but praying all the way b/c I have gotten some bad relaxers in the past. I was looking fly, to make sure that I got good treatment.

This is my first time getting a no-lye relaxer (to my knowledge :ohwell:). It worked out great! :grin: My scalp was only mildly irritated - despite my scratching too much this week - it had been 2 weeks since I got my hair washed. I tried not to scratch too hard...

She gave me a roller set that came out nice. My hair was perfectly processed - it still has life, but is not too dry (well, until she put some alcohol based spray for styling purposes afterwards :rolleyes: ). The rollerset gave it body and my hair has been swanging and bouncing around. I have NEVER had that happen to me in my entire life! Also, it is important to note that she did not try to CUT or TRIM MY HAIR! So I didn't even have to ask her to put the scissors down.

I'm so excited because not only did the relaxer go well, but for the first time in my life I know how to properly take care of my relaxed hair! (I guess the sad part about it is that in the past, I didn't even know that I didn't know how to take care of my hair... Did you get that? :p )

Now I'm back to the boards to look up rollersetting techniques. When I wash my hair I want my rollerset to come out so that my hair is soft not dry or crunchy!

Yay! Praise the Lord! :D
Congrats! You will find some great rollersetting info here. One tip for soft hair: Use a creamy leave-in. I like NTM for rollersetting. Others like Lacio Lacio. Good luck!
pyxis777 said:
I didn't even know that I didn't know how to take care of my hair... Did you get that? :p )

Now I'm back to the boards to look up rollersetting techniques. When I wash my hair I want my rollerset to come out so that my hair is soft not dry or crunchy!


I totally understand where you are coming from, I know I was there for a while (what a shame).

Anyhow, congrats on your decision and things should go fine now tha you do know how to better care for your hair...You will definitely find some good roller setting techniques on the board (how wonderful is that?!?)
Thanks for the advice and support! I'm so glad I found you guys. :D
Hopefully I'll have more pictures up soon.