I just found a white hair!

Odd One

Well-Known Member
And I'm 20 y/o!:blush: I found it in the same spot where my mom is growing most of hers! but the weird thing is, the strand is white but the base(where the hair grows) gets brownish and darker the closer it is to the scalp (?!?!) whats up with that? Is it stress??

I also have a kinda off topic question. my hair is pinned up wet most of the time. since fungus likes humid spots, is this a bad thing for my scalp or is the cowashing going to ''kill away'' the fungus.

im rereading myself and my questions might sound kinda stupid(?) lol im hoping for quick answers
I'm not sure of the answer to your questions but I've had white hairs since grammar school. Welcome to the club!
...yeah Idk about your second question but I'd started a thread not too long ago about this as well. I am older than you but i was still :blush: about it. I think I have like 3 that I know of :ohwell:. I still don't understand it.
i guess i was surprised that it seemed as if the hair was starting to grow black again... oh wells! :giggle:
i don't think the one little white hair is a big deal. it's pretty normal to find one every now and then in your young life. i remember finding a random grey hair when i was as young as 12. i'm 28. i have no grey hairs!
Sometimes white hair can be from a lack fo B vitamin so maybe up that. On another note ayurvedic powders help with that ;) Thank the Lord I am in my mid 30s and I have no greys. It's partly genes (both parents greyed in late 50s) and partly my taking Brewers' Yeast which is a good source of vitamin Bs.
I'd feel sorry for you but I have about 100 more white hairs than you
lol i wasnt worried about it just surprised

Sometimes white hair can be from a lack fo B vitamin so maybe up that. On another note ayurvedic powders help with that ;) Thank the Lord I am in my mid 30s and I have no greys. It's partly genes (both parents greyed in late 50s) and partly my taking Brewers' Yeast which is a good source of vitamin Bs.

That is GREAT info because my mom has to take B shots because she cannot absorb it properly, can that be genetics? off to do some research about it :user: :brainy:
BostonMaria & dlewis - caught me drinking
Girl I'm 23 and had a few gray hairs also. What has worked for me is consistent ayurvedic hair treatments.

And dlewis you got me over here cracking up I'm studying in here and people are looking at me. I'm supposed to be quiet!
Thats "wisdom hair" *My mom calls it that"
Think of it as a good thing.

On my 15th birthday I found my first strand and that is exactly what my mother told me "Its wisdom baby" and I've gained more and more thorough the years.....at 31 I'm no where near having salt and pepper hair but I'd say I've gotten 1-2 per year since then all on the left side of my hair and the crown. I love it though, I'm hoping by the time I reach my mid to late 50s I'll be completely white....I love to see older black women with white hair I think it's beautiful.
On my 15th birthday I found my first strand and that is exactly what my mother told me "Its wisdom baby" and I've gained more and more thorough the years.....at 31 I'm no where near having salt and pepper hair but I'd say I've gotten 1-2 per year since then all on the left side of my hair and the crown. I love it though, I'm hoping by the time I reach my mid to late 50s I'll be completely white....I love to see older black women with white hair I think it's beautiful.

I think it's beautiful too. :yep:
No more little chaton...you're a big kid now! Low iron levels can cause gray hairs, you're doctor can check it with a simple blood test.