I just don't get this hair....


Hey guys! I was wondering if I could have some LCHF-ly advice. I'm been fully natural now for about a year and a half and I still cannot definitivley tell hair type! I have read numerous times that wet hair can help determine the type. But that doesn't work for me. I have different textures on my head but obviously have a curl pattern. It isn't very apparent when it's wet though. I also have porous hair and even when wet, my hair doesn't look so. Right now I'm sitting with henna in my hair and when I applied that, man did my curls POP!! I mean, I can almost fool you into thinking my hair is 3C when it should be 4A/B or just 4B. Knowing that my hair has a curl pattern, I believe I just need the right products to do bring them out. Otherwise I would accept that I don't have a visible curl pattern. I tried Miss Jessie's curly pudding but the results were very temporary. My curls popped and moved and bounced and everything! But as soon as my hair dried the pattern and the bounce and shake went with it. It was very dry. I also use the fantasia IC and it is also temporary. My hair would lose some of it's curl pattern and would be very crunchy and hard. Not ony is my hair dry, it is also very frizzy. Nothing I can do will lay it down.

I understand that because my hair is very porous, I won't be able to retain moisture. Can that factor into my hair acting the way it is? I try to clarify but that has no effect. Matter of fact my pattern is looser on the crown, but now it is brittle and refuses to curl. It now just kinda waves with each crispy strand going in it's own direction unless the henna is sitting on it. I'm also experiencing a lot of breakage and shedding that I never had before. I hardly touch or manipulate my hair. I co-wash and now I apply Qhemet heavy cream which makes my hair soft and moisturized yet again temporarily. I usually just wear a polyester scarf on my head everyday. I may just start flat twisting it and leave it alone. I just don't know where to start with getting this wierd hair back on track. Any help? (hope my rant made sense)

Oh, on a good note, it's growing like a weed! Also, am I the only one whose hair does not care about coconut oil, olive oil and castor oil?