i just did my aphogee! now for the deep condition...


back from years of hiatus
so far so good. its soft like i expected it to be :) i rinsed in the shower and followed with NTM daily deep conditioner. i left it on while i showered and shaved(hair is nice, but not on the pits and legs :lachen: )

after i was done showering i rinsed with warm water. then i put in my deep condtioner. i decided to be brave and make a conditioning mixture, i used my dpr-11, and mixed it with honey & molasses.

this is the 1st time i didnt do the balancing moisturizer, hope it still turns out ok.

ill update when i rinse it out
I always do my aphoghee treatments without the balancing moisturizer. Mine always turn out ok. Good luck!
thanks. i was just getting paranoid thinking that maybe it has the same effect as a neutralizer has on a touch up.

i wasnt sure if all the protein disturbed some kind of hair balance or something.

im rambling, i know....ill shut up now