I just did a beautiful head of hair


New Member
My hubby's best friends lives upstairs and he has a daughter with beautiful soft natural hair. But her mom doesn't care how it looks because every time she comes over her hair is ham. So today I washed it CON green label and conditioned, and deep conditioner, then moisturized it with one of my homemade butters and seal with some JBCO. Then i twisted it this child has 4a hair and it very easy to do. I can't understand why her mom's so lazy ( I know the mom also) Should I just do it every other week when she's here or should I tell her mom that she needs to take better care and tell what I did?:wallbash: I hate to see a child with beautiful have a lazy @ss mother.:rolleyes:
Just do it until something else comes up, or circumstances change for you, or the child. You never know what people are going through (stress), to ignore a child's hair. When I was going through great stress, I don't even remember doing my hair, let alone my children's hair.
Just do it until something else comes up, or circumstances change for you, or the child. You never know what people are going through (stress), to ignore a child's hair. When I was going through great stress, I don't even remember doing my hair, let alone my children's hair.

Great reply...I agree totally. Unless one of the parents, or the child, had a problem with it, I would continue. I hate to see a child with broken, damaged, neglected hair. :nono:
You have to remember that that is someone else's child, and you don't know what that woman could be going through. She might not be lazy at all, she could just have a lot of stress going on. I would say, ask the child's father if it's alright to do his daughter' hair. If he's okay with it then go ahead, but if the mother starts to complain, stop doing it because you have to respect her wishes. I'm so tired of women putting other women down, when they don't know what's really going on. How about if you befriend the mother so that you can help her with her daughter, but you can't do that feeling the way you do about her.
My grandmother had a saying when we did some thing for Good for some one with out any reward "OFFER IT UP" and you will feel better.
Just do it until something else comes up, or circumstances change for you, or the child. You never know what people are going through (stress), to ignore a child's hair. When I was going through great stress, I don't even remember doing my hair, let alone my children's hair.

Great reply. I'd just ask the parents and tell them you enjoy doing hair, do they mind if you help do her daughter's...

I you know her better than we do, even if the mother is lazy ... it's the little girl you're helping really.
You have to remember that that is someone else's child, and you don't know what that woman could be going through. She might not be lazy at all, she could just have a lot of stress going on. I would say, ask the child's father if it's alright to do his daughter' hair. If he's okay with it then go ahead, but if the mother starts to complain, stop doing it because you have to respect her wishes. I'm so tired of women putting other women down, when they don't know what's really going on. How about if you befriend the mother so that you can help her with her daughter, but you can't do that feeling the way you do about her.

I know the mother Okay, I'm not trying to put her down I know she's lazy about hair even her own. i've done this child's hair before when she was here and she loves it, I told her mother easy things she could for her daughter's hair and she told me "GIRL I AIN'T DOING ALLA OF THAT."
If you enjoy doing it, then keep on doing it until someone says they have an issue with it. I have to say that doing hair may not be something the mom has made time for and/or enjoys. I have two little girls and I tell ya. There are times that I get tired of looking at/thinking about/washing/detangling/doing hair. The other thing is that some people have the touch and some people don't or have to work really hard at it. I would admit that I am a little lazy/offish about doing hair. I have so much other stuff that needs to be done.
When it comes to my girls hair, I don't have the touch when it comes to their natural hair. My mom on the other hand can have it looking fabulous in no time and I still can't replicate it even though I have watched her do it several times.
I have decided that I am going to change my attitude about it and make it more of a priority because I do want my hair and my kids hair to be healthy and fabulous. And because I want them to know how to take care of their hair themselves. Without being dependent on going to the salon all the time. (Plus getting hair done money needs to go in the bank for their college fund.)
So maybe she is lazy, maybe she is overwhelmed, maybe hair is just not her priority right now. Perhaps she will change as her baby girl gets older. Perhaps she won't. If you have the time and skill to help then rock on. Just try not to feel resentful of the mom, do it for baby girl.
I know the mother Okay, I'm not trying to put her down I know she's lazy about hair even her own. i've done this child's hair before when she was here and she loves it, I told her mother easy things she could for her daughter's hair and she told me "GIRL I AIN'T DOING ALLA OF THAT."
Well at this point just get the mother permission to continue to do her daughter's hair. I hope you will be able to improve her hair somewhat with doing it once or twice a week. Something is better than nothing i suppose. Too bad it can't stay maintained on her end. Best of wishes! Mother's permission = everything okay (hopefully).
Some women just can't do hair. My stepdaughter is like this. She tried but can't do it. My mom couldn't do hair either. I hated that all she knew was to make 4 large doodoo braids with my hair....uggghhh! Thank God for older sisters....whew..LOL.

I think its nice that you stepped up to do the childs hair. Good for you.
Some women just can't do hair. My stepdaughter is like this. She tried but can't do it. My mom couldn't do hair either. I hated that all she knew was to make 4 large doodoo braids with my hair....uggghhh! Thank God for older sisters....whew..LOL.

I think its nice that you stepped up to do the childs hair. Good for you.

Ain't THAT the truth! My mother can't do hair to save her life! I started doing my own hair at 7 yrs. old because I got tired of being laughed at for having large clumps of grease all over my head! Whenever my sister (half sister) would come to town, she would hook me up! (......aahhh memories...) I didn't know how to do or maintain my or my dd hair either, until I found you guys. My dd has gained at least 2-3 inches since I started here back in early december. i would say, continue to help the little girl. I'm sure she will look back and thank you for it!
Lol, trust me you're saving this girl, my mother was born AND raised in Africa and could not do a single cornrow! She used to thread my hair up and everyone in school would call me Medusa, lmao!!!

I'm thanking you on behalf of this child for saving her, lol.
My mom could do braids or whatever but my only issue is when I went to middle school she was still doing my hair like I was 6. Then she got mad when I got a relaxer in high school, but to this day she can't understand lol. I know I had nice beautiful natural hair, but I hated looking like a frizz ball all day long. I thought when I put a relaxer in I would look like the little girls on the box. But then when all my hair broke off lol, there she was in my ear "why'd you do that, you would've had nice long hair, you wouldn't need any weave, etc..".

Do the little girl a good turn and let her hair look nice. Her self esteem will never forget it. Make sure you also explain to her what you're doing so she can remember and treat her hair well if you ever can't do it anymore.
The child shouldn't suffer because of the laziness of the mother. I know it's just hair, but with most girls/women it's never just hair- so much of our self esteem is wrapped up in it.
My mom could do braids or whatever but my only issue is when I went to middle school she was still doing my hair like I was 6. Then she got mad when I got a relaxer in high school, but to this day she can't understand lol. I know I had nice beautiful natural hair, but I hated looking like a frizz ball all day long. I thought when I put a relaxer in I would look like the little girls on the box. But then when all my hair broke off lol, there she was in my ear "why'd you do that, you would've had nice long hair, you wouldn't need any weave, etc..".

Do the little girl a good turn and let her hair look nice. Her self esteem will never forget it. Make sure you also explain to her what you're doing so she can remember and treat her hair well if you ever can't do it anymore.

i completely agree with the bolded. even though she's young, let her know what you are doing and why so maybe as she gets older she'll retain some information and begin to do it herself.
Teach the little one while you have the opportunity. Show her how beautiful and wonderful it is to have the hair she has on her head. When she gets older if you are both still around each other show her what you are doing. Explain the differences now if you can. My neice when she was seven understood that NO ONE went near her head with shampoo, they had to cowash it because of how drying their shampoos were.

She called me when she was with her Dad's sister to make sure they understood what she was saying, I told them all what to do with her hair because she has very sensitive skin and twice has gotten ring worms from their pets when she would visit with them.

Yes, you can teach her in a positive manner all the things we wished we knew about natural haircare at a young age.

Who knows maybe through her learning about haircare from you she will be able to teach the mother.
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When I was growing up, neighbors and friends always looked out for others' kids by feeding them when they were hungry and giving them hand me downs, especially when they felt the parents were lazy or good for nothing. They are the ones that need our help the most. I don't care how lazy a parent is and I have seen some that should be required to have a license to raise children. However, lazy or not we still have to look out for our children .... our future!

I really can relate to that saying "It takes a village to raise a child"

So, I thank you for looking out for my little sis!