I just chopped ALL of my hair off!


New Member
Literally! It's less than an inch long. I got home from my boyfriend's house today and I just decided I wanted a fresh start. So I grabbed my clippers and went from almost APL to almost NOTHING! Just thought I'd let y'all know! I'll let you know when I get some pictures up!:look:
I can't wait to see!! :)

New starts are always good. I did that recently and my hair has been doing so much better as a result.
Oooh wee I can't wait to see it. I cut mine off back in September 2006 and it is growing back nicely.

cafeaulait5 said:
Literally! It's less than an inch long. I got home from my boyfriend's house today and I just decided I wanted a fresh start. So I grabbed my clippers and went from almost APL to almost NOTHING! Just thought I'd let y'all know! I'll let you know when I get some pictures up!:look:
Congrats cafeaulait5. Are you happy with the results?

HoneyDew said:
I can't wait to see!! :)

New starts are always good. I did that recently and my hair has been doing so much better as a result.

OT: Honeydew I missed your siggy pics, your hair is looking really good:).
Wow!! That took courage!! I don't know if I have the balls...

Do you have pics?? I bet your hair will be beautiful when it grows back.
Isn't it liberating! I did the same in Sept 05 to donate it to locks of love. I hope you donate yours as well if it was long enough. wigs for kids takes 8 inches vs 10.

I wanna see pix!
I did the same thing 5 months ago. Congratulations to you on your fresh start. I made me appreciate my hair more as it did grow back.
Thanks for all of the support ladies! The stylist at my job is going to trim it and even it up for me in exchange for some free products. She is going to do it next Friday but I will have some pics up asap and then will post more in Friday. I really need to finish getting my album up and going!