I just bought relaxer in a tube...?


New Member
I just bought this weird relaxer pack (and I guess this is becoming a new thing, because multiple brands had it) where both the base and the activator were in plastic tubes that you squeeze out (think product samples) and you provide your own plastic tub for mixing.

Can I use a regular tupperware container for this or does it have to be some sort of special container? I wouldn't reuse it for food afterwards, obviously.
Wow that is weird that the base is not in the tub like usual.

Anyways NO metals.

I think tupperware containers would be fine.
@sweetome1 Yeah, the directions do say 'NO METALS' in big red letters. Would you happen to know why that is? Does the relaxer react with the metal?
Yes, the relaxer reacts with the metal and causes it to dissolve into the relaxer, which could then be deposited into your hair, which at best can cause oxidation (rust) in your hair, and at worst can seep into the pores on your scalp, get into your bloodstream (the scalp is very rich in blood vessels--every hair has one that feeds it) and cause metal poisoning.