I just bought a HEATING CAP!



:grin::grin::grin:....OK so since I actually started my hair journey...about a month ago, I've been DC'ing two to three hours without heat but I just figured that it is too time consuming so I broke down and bought a mastex heating cap!!!

Are there any other benefits besides time of using heat???
Well using the heat opens the cuticle and makes oils and what not small enough to penetrate the hair shaft. So your hair and scalp pretty much get all of the benefits of the oils. I have a heat cap and love it. It's not loud and I can actually forget I'm doing a DC. Once I even got up to walk to the kitchen and got "clothes lined" back to the bed. You got a great piece of equipment that will get used!
wow lol. im so jealous. i have a hooded dryer but sometimes i dont like sitting on the floor and i cant hear the tv. so i got a heating cap but its too small for my head lol.
I love my heating cap - my lazy butt can lay in the bed while on LHCF...lol - I use my baby's high chair for my sit under dryer - gives me the perfect height.....

I need to go on get me a Pibbs....I just WANT it - but don't NEED it
I have a mastex. I like it but the heating coils don't go all the way down the back of the cap. The back of my head doesn't get heated. I think I'm gonna look for a different one.
ohhh good for you! :) i have a heat cap at my parents' house which i should really have shipped back... i miss it. :)
Me too! I just bought a heat cap last week. Before I was just using a thermal cap thingy - it looked like an aluminum shower cap. lol Needless to say, I like the heat cap much better.
Whhhhhatt? I thought I was so cool with my soft hooded dryer with an extention cord and all this time I could've had a heating cap. How much are they?
Good for you! There's no better way to get a superior deep conditioning treatment than to apply your favorite conditioner mix or concoction, and sit under the heating cap for at least 30 minutes. The heat helps the conditioner to absorb into the hair, and the cuticles where it is needed.