I joined the secret bun wearers' society


Well-Known Member
I joined the secret bun wearers\' society

I've been using the crown and glory technique for about a year. I braid for 3 or more months, relax and keep my hair out for a month and then go back into braids.

Well it's October and my braids are out! I finally grew enough hair to catch my hair up into a decent ponytail and I'm starting to take advantage of it. On Wednesday night I decided to give the bun technique a try. I pulled my hair up into one and then wrapped 1 foot of tracked weave around my pony tail to give it more body. Then I secured it with a head tie and then formed the bun and set it with a couple bobby pins. I wrapped my head with my silk scarf and went right to bed (didn't even have to worry about maintaining a hair style).

I redo the bun at night but I've been wearing this style for 2 days and I absolutely love it! It's sooo easy and, it looks elegant and cute. I think this will help me along as I wait for my next installment of braids. Heck, I may even decide to give the braids a break for a while.

I’m thinking of ways that I can dress up my bun. Maybe I’ll try the little tiny hairpins that have pearls on the end! Oh the possibilities ! J
Re: I joined the secret bun wearers\' society

Hey Girl,
Congrats to ya! Isn't it exciting to make progress?

If you like buns you could also try those clip on braided buns.. I have one that I got from the beauty supply and that thing has saved the day many of times.... mine looks like this hair bun but I only paid like $7 for mine and I wear mine lower and my hair pulled back tighter.

But congrats and have fun with your new styles.

PS... I might be transferring to your company and moving that way... I'll let you know if it happens.

Re: I joined the secret bun wearers\' society

congrats on the progress, and i'm glad the style is working for you, girl!! i like the bun alot too and stopped wearing the braids because it only takes a couple of seconds to take this style down...
Re: I joined the secret bun wearers\' society

Why don't you wear your hair in a bun these days? I couldn't do without it.
Re: I joined the secret bun wearers\' society

Re: I joined the secret bun wearers\' society


I started experiencing breakage in my nape area - not specifically b/c of the bun but b/c of that darn relaxer. My hair is just fragile there so I'm afraid to put any stress on it until my "new hair" is long enough to fit inside a bun and not touch my demarcation line at all.