I Hope You Don't Do This....


New Member
:mad: This is just in general but it bugs the hell out of me :mad:

Whenever I go get my hair done and I'm sitting in the chair, why is it, some woman who's appointment is 30 minutes after mine wanna come up and stand right beside the stylist as she does my hair and run off at the mouth about Bay-Bay, Pookie and her girl-n-nem...and watches the stylist do my hair? That irks me.

I went to a new stylist yesterday and while she is rollersetting my hair, I wanted to talk to her about the condition of my hair and what at-home products she recommends but I can't because some woman is standing next to me jaw-jacking off about somebody graduation invitations and grading her students term papers to the stylist. I couldn't even get a word in!

I just think that was MY time...and she could have talked to her when she had her time in the chair!
that would be annoying...

i dont think it would hurt to tell your stylist next time about how that bothered you and how that time spent with you doing your hair is YOUR time (if that makes any sense). ;)
That is rude. What makes her think you want to hear about all her business. not to mention that she is probably trying to see if your hair is real.
Poohbear said:
that would be annoying...

i dont think it would hurt to tell your stylist next time about how that bothered you and how that time spent with you doing your hair is YOUR time (if that makes any sense). ;)
Co-signing completely. Tell her!
When I used to go to the stylist I would never interrupt her but you can bet I would sit in the next chair if I could and watch everything she did. Technique, products, EVERYTHING. And when I was getting my hair done I watched everything. I could never understand how someone could go to a stylist for 7 years and not know how to reproduce even ONE hairstyle. To be fair though, I know what your're talking about but people sitting down talking to my stylist never bothered me. Most would tell me they liked my hair or ask me or my stylist about it. A lot of times they are there to get a better look at your hair. :)
shellzfoshizzle said:
:mad: This is just in general but it bugs the hell out of me :mad:

Whenever I go get my hair done and I'm sitting in the chair, why is it, some woman who's appointment is 30 minutes after mine wanna come up and stand right beside the stylist as she does my hair and run off at the mouth about Bay-Bay, Pookie and her girl-n-nem...and watches the stylist do my hair? That irks me.

I went to a new stylist yesterday and while she is rollersetting my hair, I wanted to talk to her about the condition of my hair and what at-home products she recommends but I can't because some woman is standing next to me jaw-jacking off about somebody graduation invitations and grading her students term papers to the stylist. I couldn't even get a word in!

I just think that was MY time...and she could have talked to her when she had her time in the chair!
I feel you because that's why I can't stand "talkative regulars". They feel that they have a 'closeness' with the stylist & monopolize thier time...
Piss Ants!!:swearing:
That is totally unprofessional.

But what about those who just stop by to talk and didn't even come to get their hair done (like "Tee-Tee" who lives down the block). I used to go somewhere that was like a social club who happened to do hair. It was irritating sometimes.

I would like to see the day when I'm on a deadline at work and a friend comes off the street to talk to me for 30 minutes or so. My boss would surely tell my friend to leave, and I might be fired on the spot.