I hope I can fix this! Please shed some light!


New Member

I just re-did my streaks and did not leave the dye in long enough so that you can see it. My hair looks horrible in my opinion, pushed back in a ponytail is even worse. Is there a way to maybe put some more in or just add color to the front of my hair (you know color in front only, darker in back)? I've seen people talk about corrective relaxers on here, hopefully it is a corrective dye.

BTW is use Clairoil.
Pics would be good... what type of colour did you use, home set or professional, with colour correction I'd usually say see a professional, you don't want to end up with orange or green hair.
I used ruby rage. The same color you see in my hair. pushed back on one side you can see nothing on the other side, just a liitle in the corner. wearing it down, not much. Is there a way to fix this?

To be honest about pics, i tried long time to figure out how to put them up and was lost so i have not tried again. this is the only pic i managed to do and don't remember what i did.
bumping i know there is so many tricks of the trade. Can I add conditioner to my hair. I remember a beautician years ago added some color as she was shampooing my hair. This is my third time using Clairoil (sp) and I have not experienced any damage or excessive breakage.
Has anyone tried color oops? What is a good rinse, jazzings make my hair feel dry. I actually hate rinse cause if you get caught in the rain there goes your collar. Come on ladies I know this had to happen to someone besides us.