I hella heart hair


Well-Known Member
Ladies...thought I'd start a hair blog for fun. This is my first entry =)

So, here is my deal. I'm 29 and by 30 I have always imagined that I would fantastic, beautiful, healthy waist length hair. I've never had that before. NEVER. I'm black and I have 4a nappity naps and have truly never known the proper way to care for my hair. How sad is that? I used to think that my not even shoulder length hair was "pretty good". But, it wasn't. It was snap short (not by choice), dried out, shriveled up, and stayed the same length for the vast majority of my entire life. Seriously! Every day I would get out of the shower... turn around...check my hair length...SAME. It was unbelievably frustrating. I would buy the most expensive products you could ever imagine and um...well...yeah. SAME. Last year in May I decided a few things.

BULLET POINTS...Shall we? Let me make an Outline of my hair-story...

A. May 2009 - Screw straightening my hair every morning.
1. My hair isn't straight.
2. My hair looks dried out and gross when I straighten it every damn morning on 400 degrees.
3. My hair isn't supposed to be this way.
4. No, seriously... my hair looks disgusting. What is wrong with this picture?
a. Ok, so put the damn flat iron down.
b. What now?
c. No...really? What now.
B. Wing It
1. Oh...so you mean I actually have to work with what is growing out of my head....?
2. Acceptance
a. FML
3. I actually kind of like this... My hair feels sorta nice for the first time since the Clinton Administration!
4. Learning about conditioner, gel, and satin pillowcases...lol. My saviors...
a. Throwing my hair in a bun every day can get kind of tiring. But, less time and easier than flat iron.
b. Protein...vs....my Man.... Not really sure who I would choose cause I mean... I love you both....
C. Um, I think my hair grew. This is new.
1. Wait, hold on... My hair is longer than it has ever been. No really, ever...
1. Did you think I was playing or something? I'm really really really excited!!
a. Yes... yes, I can definitively say that my hair is finally to my armpits. APL Girl! Let me celebrate!!
D. Vitamins
1. Thank you chlorella and spirulina. I bow to your altar and worship your praises.
2. Let me give you daps MSM. I heart you... I heart Silica too. We are such BFF's.
3. Damn... ok... I won't lie...Collagen... you were there for me in my time of need. I love you too. Muah.
E. Trims
1. No, I don't wanna.
2. F$ck you...I said no. Why don't you listen to me? It's MY CHOICE.
3. Ok... I mean... I know it's time and everything but baby I just don't feel ready......
4. I'm really vulnerable right now and... ok, I mean if you're sure?
a. Found someone I can really trust.. we had "the talk".
b. Getting the trim... waiting for it to be over with baited breath...
c. She is my good friend and I totally trusted her... she didn't scalp me. Me AND Hubby are happy.
F. Steadily Growing.
1. Whispering sweet nothings in BSL's ear...

Anyway, this is a blog of my journey to get the beautiful healthy hair that I so desire. I will do trice-yearly length checks..... I hope you root for me as I do for you!

Love & Hugs...

~ S :grin:
Thanks Ladies! =) I love to write. Sorry, about the way the outline posted though! It was supposed to be indented just like a proper outline. Heehee!
E. Trims
1. No, I don't wanna.
2. F$ck you...I said no. Why don't you listen to me? It's MY CHOICE.
3. Ok... I mean... I know it's time and everything but baby I just don't feel ready......
4. I'm really vulnerable right now and... ok, I mean if you're sure?
a. Found someone I can really trust.. we had "the talk".
b. Getting the trim... waiting for it to be over with baited breath...
c. She is my good friend and I totally trusted her... she didn't scalp me. Me AND Hubby are happy.
F. Steadily Growing.
1. Whispering sweet nothings in BSL's ear...

That part had me rotfl!