I have to ignore some of the 'rules'.....


Well-Known Member
...and do what's best for me.

Rollersetting and no combing inbetween is not working for me. My hair is tangly when its time to wash and i am getting lots of breakage all over when its time to detangle. My hair is getting thinner and i had a ton of hair in the comb this evening when i washed it.:nono: I was almost tearful.

I'm going back to rollersetting and flat ironing once a week. It keeps my length smooth and straight and combing on wash days is sooo much easier.

My hair needs to be straight to avoid it tangling....i realised this when i was natural but i guess it still applies to me when relaxed.
Yes, do what works best for you. I'm sure your hair will be happier and longer if you keep it from tangling so much by keeping it in a detangled/straighter state. Are you enjoying your hair otherwise? You and your hair look really pretty in your siggy pic.
All rules don't work for everybody. Do what's best for you. I know that when my hair gets tangly I have to cowash and detangle before I can do anything with it.
The only rules that matter to you are the one that work for you. Do what works, whether or not it is popular with everyone else.
Yes, you should do what works for YOUR hair. No matter how many raves about a product or technique you might see, it isn't worth anything until it works on YOUR hair....right? Do what works. Make rules according to your own hair.
Do what is best for you and your hair.:yep: I consider the rules as just suggestions that may not work for everyone.:rolleyes:
There's a set of rules now? :nono: You always have to do whats best for your hair. Every head it going to be a bit different.

hopeful - i WAS enjoying my hair. Thanks for the compliment.

The pic in my siggy was when i was rollersetting and flatironing every week. I stopped because i thought i must be damaging my hair despite it looking and feeling great. NOW i have breakage but luckily the length is still there not sure how though. Its feels thinner and weaker and the front hairline is breaking.

Angel doll - your hair is gorgeous.
hopeful - i WAS enjoying my hair. Thanks for the compliment.

The pic in my siggy was when i was rollersetting and flatironing every week. I stopped because i thought i must be damaging my hair despite it looking and feeling great. NOW i have breakage but luckily the length is still there not sure how though. Its feels thinner and weaker and the front hairline is breaking.

Angel doll - your hair is gorgeous.

I grew my hair out thickly and nicely by rollersetting and flat ironing once to twice a week. You do have to do what's best for you. Some hair loves heat.

When I don't comb often my hair tangles more.