I have to comb my hair...


New Member
I've been combing my hair only on wash days for most of year but I think its doing my hair more harm than good. My hair is texlaxed and very prone to tangles and when I would be detangling some of the shed hairs were wrapping around other hairs and causing breakage. I'm not going to comb every day but everyother day. I also bought a Mason Pearson seamless comb that made me lose alot less hair than usual. Did anybody else try no combing without success?
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I have never tried and I doubt I ever will. If my hair was longer I may be able to get away with my loose no-comb needed styles, but now, I need to tame my stuff.

I LOVE my Swissco Euro Collection shower comb. It never snags my hair and keeps my hair looking neat.
I also tried no combing without success due to the same problem you had my shed hair would wrap around the rest of the hair and get tangled. I also think its not a good idea for me because I have very course 4b hair so it tangles alot anyway. I don't know off anyone with my hair type who is able to only comb once/twice a week. feel free to correct me if I'm wrong
I can't not comb my hair. I doubt if I'll ever even try the no combing thing. I do try to limit my combing to once a day and I don't brush near as much as I used to.
You are so right about the shedding hairs causing more tangles than anything else, I know that was my problem when I had tangles. I atleast fingercomb normally, but since I have some seamless combs too now :D I definately will be utilizing them when needed.
I've tried not detangling my hair every day and it always causes more harm than good. My hair needs to get the knots removed daily or everything snowballs into a giant rat's nest mess. I cowash daily or at least every other day and detangle. But I don't brush or comb my hair when it's dry.
I co wash 2 to 3x a week and I usually comb on those days. On the days I dont wash I have to comb and brush just a little bit. But usually comb only when i moisturize my hair twice a day and not alot of strokes with the brush or comb. Im not using it to the extent I was b4 taking care of my hair and my hair is loving me for it. But I still need to do it due to tangling.
I try to limit too much combing by finger combing..but I agree with you guys on not combing hair at all..virtually impossible
I sooooo agree! I tried to do the Grow Hair Like a Weed challenge but just couldn't cut the "no combing" rule. I do wait to comb after moisturizing and finger combing but I have got to use a comb daily. :lol:
I have to comb my hair. I loose more hair trying to finger comb or no comb than I do if I just go ahead and comb. I only comb in the morning and before bed with a seamless wide tooth comb. If I don't use that then I use a large square paddle brush and start from the ends and work my way up.
ITA with this thread. I have to use a comb at least once a day. If i don't My hair breaks and sheds more without a comb than with the comb. when i wash it i see alot more hairs in the comb without dry combing. I'd like to keep it once a day to minimize the tangles and shedding when I do wash it.
KeraKrazy said:
I also tried no combing without success due to the same problem you had my shed hair would wrap around the rest of the hair and get tangled. I also think its not a good idea for me because I have very course 4b hair so it tangles alot anyway. I don't know off anyone with my hair type who is able to only comb once/twice a week. feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

I am a 4/b and I comb my hair only twice a week.

But I am having MASSIVE tangles and knots issues right now. I am currently working on it because I like not coming my hair.
I comb once a day and thats it. I dont see how people go without not combing their hair. I wish I could but my hair is like "girl, dont even think about it":(
Thanks for the replies ladies. It took me awhile to figure out that my shed hair was causing more breakage but I kept trying because I liked the idea of not combing too but it's just not worth it for me.