I have split ends!


New Member
I've been wearing my hair like this (check fotki) for a while now so that I can get a break from the half wigs and phony tails.

Yesterday I put my hand in my hair and came out with a few strands.. no biggie.. but I proceeded to inspect the hairs and realised that I have split ends, and middles. One strand had almost 4 splits on it.
I had a cut about 5 weeks ago!

What in the world do I do now? and what caused this?
i read this and immediately pulled a strand of hair from my head to inspect for splits... luckily i didn't see any (in that one strand anyway)... my guess is that moisture plays a big role as far as my hair is concerned... i found this site when i was searching for specific references --> http://splitends.bebto.com/preventse.htm ... looked informative anyway...
I had a good read, I cant possibly cut my hair any shorter.
I did the same thing with my hair today, I didnt get as many, but now i just so worried.
I deep condition every weekend now and I put stuff in my hair most nights.
trinidarkie1 said:
I've been wearing my hair like this (check fotki) for a while now so that I can get a break from the half wigs and phony tails.

Yesterday I put my hand in my hair and came out with a few strands.. no biggie.. but I proceeded to inspect the hairs and realised that I have split ends, and middles. One strand had almost 4 splits on it.
I had a cut about 5 weeks ago!

What in the world do I do now? and what caused this?

do not worry! this is normal! even men with short hair have splits..even dogs get splits! a few splits is totally normal, no splits is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!! Whenever i hear people sayin they have no splits i just laugh. you cant possibley see every strand in your head so sayin that theres no splits is niave.

i have splits every now and then, and i get those 4 splits in a strand every once in a while (YES they are SCARY and UGLY i kno i kno) but its totally normal do not stress. the only way 2 rid them is cut them whenever u see them. maybe u need a bit more moisture in your hair or protein? i had a laugh the other day, i found a LONGGG split but it was so strong from the MNT that when i tried to cut it, it sounded like i was cutting through rope. Just sleep with something on your head and tuck your ends under at EVERY OPPURTUNITY when your outside...lesson the use of bands and scrunchies..use clips instead to hold a pony tail.... i use one of JEWELLS hairstyles, tuck the ends under so the hair looks like a short bob...this style is so nice that i'm contemplating cutting my hair all off!!! also try to lesson combing and brushing. use some sort of natural oil on a regular basis b4 washing. (AMLA is very good for splits and is quite a light consistency) - hope this helps you!
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Candy C, how often do you use alma? Does it prevent split ends or mend them? I think I know the answer but I'm not sure concerning split ends. Some say the only way to get rid of splits it to cut but some say to preserve ends for length-
Trini you know it's this horrible weather that's been contributing to dry hair and splits! I can't wait till it's over! In the mean time you should try for protective styles like buns, braidouts and twistouts and make sure that you concentrate on moisturizing your ends.