I have some info and a few questions


Well-Known Member
For anyone who is interested in knowing what people used in there hair in the 1800's and how people cared for there hair I have a web address for you to check out
Some of the same problems we discuss on this board they had problems with way back then. They even talked about hair grease and pomades cloggs pores and make your hair fall out. It was said to just use castor oil mixed with a essential oil. They even have hair recipes, most of them you won't want to try. There are like 5 pages of info about this.

Anyway, are Choline and Inositol B-vitamins because sometimes I see them included in b-complexes. I read that our bodies make inositol on its own so do we need to take choline and inositol daily like other b-vits because I thought our bodies stored choline and inositol is it water soluble also?

And lastly has anyone ever used or read about the benefits of West African Red palm oil? I have some but I was just wondering about the benefits. I read that it is high in vitamins A and E. there isn't much info on it.

CICI /images/graemlins/wink.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Anyway, are Choline and Inositol B-vitamins because sometimes I see them included in b-complexes. I read that our bodies make inositol on its own so do we need to take choline and inositol daily like other b-vits because I thought our bodies stored choline and inositol is it water soluble also?

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif First of all thanks for this info! I'm gonna check out that link as soon as I finish typing this post.

Choline and Inositol work synergistically together and you are absolutley correct, they are both B-vitamins. Choline is a fat emulsifier, and inositol helps our body to utilize fats and cholesterol, so if you have a cholesterol issue, these combo helps becaue it controls cholesterol build up. These vitamins are really popular for the way they assist the body in metablolizing fats. If you take an additional supplement though, you need to take it with the B-Complex.

If you drink a lot of coffe or soda, be careful because caffeine depletes the body of B vitamins, and inositol in particular.

I took an additional Choline and Inositol supplement and it helped with (this is gross but...lol) those itty bitty white heads people get on their chins. My chin was smooth after three weeks. I didn't mega dose (take more than recommended) I just took the recommended amount. Make sure you only take the amount on the bottle because, if you take excessive (over what the bottle says) amounts of choline, taken of a long period of time (years) it can cause a B6 deficiency.

Also if a person suffers from manic-depression, choline is not advised because it appears to deepen the depression phase.

Inositol helps with preventing hair from falling out. Also Inositol and Choline combined is what creates letchitin (wow I learn som' new er'day, LOL!)

Since both of these vitamins are water soluable, I have found no evidence that they are stored in the body, as all B vitamins are water soluable and therefore not stored in the body.

As for whether or not our body creates these B vitmamins the only way (I think) it can create them is from the foods we eat. But we must get them from Food or supplementation, or both.

HTH /images/graemlins/grin.gif