I Have Pure Shea Butter ... What Do I DO With It??


New Member
My natural sistas I need your help again. I have an expensive jar of pure shea butter that's been lying on my vanity because I'm afraid to put it in my hair! I know it melts when warm but will I end up with dried shea butter crusts in my hair after I apply it?

Does anyone have any good hair butter recipes?
Re: I Have Pure Shea Butter ... What Do I DO With

lol you should of seen me goop that stuff on my hair my first time using it , i had no clue the heavines of it and the richness of it. lol my hair was all stuck and gooped together..... it was the unrefined kind and the kind i had wasnt hard, just kinda whipped and gooky. if you have that kind im sure you can cut it (mix it) with oil , any oil, and use it sparingly. if you have the hard kind then i guess you have to melt it down and add oils.
If you're worried about possible build up, you can always mix it with carrier oils - olive, almond, etc. - to kinda thin it out.

I always work butters inbetween my hands for a little bit to avoid any accidental "streaks" of product in my hair.

You can use shea as a daily hair dressing, as part of a deep conditioning treatment; girl, you've got options with that butter ! ! !
Re: I Have Pure Shea Butter ... What Do I DO With

ladymadonna said:
IRIS!!!! Is that you??? It's Kim from your Yahoo Group!

[/ QUOTE ]
Tee Hee Hee , its me
Hey Gurl!!!!!
you recognized me from the Shea butter incident? what gave me away?
Re: I Have Pure Shea Butter ... What Do I DO With

Melt it in the microwave and add some olive oil to it, let it set, that way it's a little more spreadable. How expensive was your shea butter, I didn't pay too much for mine(via ebay)?
Re: I Have Pure Shea Butter ... What Do I DO With

I purchased it at a health food store for $9! It's been sitting on the shelf since. Thanks for the olive oil suggestion.

oglorious1 said:
Melt it in the microwave and add some olive oil to it, let it set, that way it's a little more spreadable. How expensive was your shea butter, I didn't pay too much for mine(via ebay)?

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Re: I Have Pure Shea Butter ... What Do I DO With

I bought two pounds of it for $20.00 from ebay(unrefined), it works great and doesn't smell stinky like most unrefined shea butters.
Re: I Have Pure Shea Butter ... What Do I DO With

I just take about a dime sized amount and rub it between my hands so it melts. Then I apply it to the length of my hair.
Re: I Have Pure Shea Butter ... What Do I DO With

I am not natural but... I had some 100% Shea butter that I mixed w/ a few drops of rosemary oil. I really liked it. My mom and sister took it. They loved it too. I microwaved mine and my mom and sister just rubbed theirs in.
Re: I Have Pure Shea Butter ... What Do I DO With

SInging "Pookey,Pookeyloo,where are you? We have a question about shea butter."