I have pictures...finally


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,
I finally have an album!! Take a peek. My hair isn't long, but this is my starting length. I will add more things later, like products and what I do for my hair. Thanks Ladies. I am on my way!!:lol: :grin: :lol:

Thanks for sharing your pics.

You rollerset looks great! (I wish I could do that. I can't do a rollerset to save my life)
Mom23 said:
Hi Everyone,
I finally have an album!! Take a peek. My hair isn't long, but this is my starting length. I will add more things later, like products and what I do for my hair. Thanks Ladies. I am on my way!!:lol: :grin: :lol:


Your hair looks so lovely and thick. It really appears healthy and in great condition. I wanted to leave a comment in your fokti, but the comments were disabled....? (Not sure if that was done deliberately).

Anyway, you're off to a beautiful start and HHG. :grin:
Thank You Ladies!! :) This site has been a great help to me as I start this hair journey.
Hi Mom23,

Your hair is beautiful and thick!! I love your rollerset, so pretty!!

What size rollers are you using to achieve that? What direction are you setting the rollers in?

Your hair looks great and is the exact same length my hair was when I started getting into haircare. Good luck on your journey!
I love your roller set. You are off to a great start. Thanks for sharing. I was going to leave a comment, but you got it disabled. :(
RabiaElaine said:
Hi Mom23,

Your hair is beautiful and thick!! I love your rollerset, so pretty!!

What size rollers are you using to achieve that? What direction are you setting the rollers in?


Same questions that I want answered :D
SweetCaramel1 said:
your hair is very healthy and thick. you're off to a good start!
Ditto! You'll be at bra strap in no time if you use the strategies you read about on LHCF!
RabiaElaine said:
Hi Mom23,

Your hair is beautiful and thick!! I love your rollerset, so pretty!!

What size rollers are you using to achieve that? What direction are you setting the rollers in?


Thanks for the compliment!! :) I use the pink rollers with the snap on covers. To get my hair like this I part from ear to ear and then divide the back in 3 sections and roll all those going down.

Next in the front I divide into 3 sections and roll the middle section 2 going back and then the front 2 going forward.

The 2 sides I divide in half, by making a part going down towards my ear and then use a total of 6 rollers. 3 in one section and 3 in the other, so in the front of my hair I have a total of 16 rollers. I hope this helps!! I am going to try and load up a pic later. I think I have one.
kreeme said:
I love your roller set. You are off to a great start. Thanks for sharing. I was going to leave a comment, but you got it disabled. :(

Can anyone tell me what I need to change to allow comments?? I am not very computer savvy. :grin: :grin: :grin:
Your hair is very healthy and thick. You are already a step ahead of the game so the lenghth will come in no time!!! Looks great.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words, they give me encourgement!! :kiss: I am working on my hair so it will look as good as alot of you ladies here. :) Thanks Again.