i have no manners.


Well-Known Member
so im watching don jon (:blush: why have i been avoiding watching this... i love it and hate it at the same time :lol:) and theres a scene when the gf meets the parents and the first thing she says is "can i help you in the kitchen?" :look:

now, granted, i honestly hate meeting parents and after having a bf that was super family oriented, i actually decline to do it unless i have reasonable expectations that the relationship is in it for the long haul (read: hasnt happened yet since then). but i know for a fact i never asked anything like that and it probably never would have occurred to me :rofl:

i also think about dining etiquette. mine probably leaves a lot to be desired :look: :lol: i know about napkin in the lap, elbows off the table, dont talk with your mouth full, but everybody does. i bet there are nicer manners out there too :look: if i knew what they were :look: :rofl:

so, short of having to go to finishing school, im asking you guys. what sort of proper lady manners do you employ when meeting the parents, dining out, and various other social scenarios?
Knowing their cultural background is the first thing to learn about.

Making polite conversation?
Bringing house gift or thank you card?
Don't slurp your soup!

That's all I got ...
I second the polite conversation & have some ready. Be very personable. Also have a pleasant look on your face. I'm trying to remember more when I meet my so's mom for the 1st time...
A coworker invited me to dinner with her extended family and I noticed the wife and her daughters who hosted the dinner all catered to the men. I don't have a problem with that but I wasn't sure if I should offer to help or just continue to be the guest. If I knew them, I probably would have tried to help.

Something I was also wondering: for the more traditional minded, at what point do you serve your guy? What point is too soon in the relationship to be making his plate? :giggle:
It's polite to offer to help. IMO if his family cooks the least you can do if offer to help set the table or ask if there's anything you can do