I have made the biggest mistake ever.


Well-Known Member
I did a ebony brown rinse on my hair. I hated how it basically made it black. So, I went to Sally's to find somthing to remove the rinse si I bought this stuff called . I put it on my hair and it made it a brassy orange in some spots... like bleach!!!!! So I put a spiced auburn rinse to cover it until I figure out what to do. I am sick and this is a mistake that I should have known better. Am I going to have to fix with a permanent color? How long I have to wait to fix it I need love......... I'm ready to scream!!! My hair is screwed!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not sure about how to correct that but consider doing a deep conditioning before you add anything else to your hair.
I agree with Ms. Coco.

I've something similar before. DO NOT USE A PERMANENT COLOR. My recommendation is to do stick with the "rinses"; you may be stuck with a color you don't particularly care for, however that's better than damaging your hair permanently with a "permanent" color. Also this may be a good time to have a professional apply the temproary color for you.

My mistake? Dyed my hair Blonde, it turned out too "blonde"....fixed it with an Auburn Rinse......which turned my bonde hair RED....this was a few days before my wedding. My fix: I went over it with brown.
gheesh sorry to hear i wonder what you used.

i just recently got tired of my blonde hair ( i hate how my colored hair feels in comparison to my new growth.) so I went over it with a "natural blk" hair color that turned my hair BLUE BLK! i wasnt feeling it so I went over to CVS and got some Color zap and i love my hair now. all tho it did spell like eggs when i applied lol
Don't add permanent color. The good/bad thing about rinses is that they fade rather quickly. You could have done some hot oil treatments, and a few deep conditions and the color will fade on it's own.
omg! i hope your hair will be okay. if you ever choose to do another rinse, realize that the color will actually come out in a few washes.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your hair color issues. I recently had my stylist put a dark brown rinse on my hair, and it turned black. :wallbash: I was so disappointed with the color, but I'm sticking it out. I'm going for cinnamon next time.

Good luck with your hair!
Aww hunny i'm sorry to hear this...You know you're supposed to come on the forum before you try any and all products!

I wish I could help, maybe you should DC wait a few days and do another rinse to hold you over until you can get it corrected. Preferrably by a professional.

I'm sorry but your Ronald McDonald post made me lol.

Here's a drink:drink:
I'm sorry this happened to you :bighug:

My suggestion would be to go to a professional colorist to help you correct the problem. I'm sure someone will be willing to help you out.

Hope all goes well for you.