I have had an epiphany about my PJism


Well-Known Member
I think everybodys hair looks better than mine and its like I take a little bit of advice from a lot of people and my hair ends up rebelling and looking all crackish :lol:

Im still not satisfied (thats not just a problem with my hair either) because Im STILL buying shampoo's and conditioners :lol:

Im Loco.. AnyHoo.. My mission for the next month is to .. Find a Brand.. I have some staples but I just cant stop buying stuff ... :grin:

I am gonna have to buy the NTM poo and conditioner and get it over with and hope that it gives me what I need..

Then I get frustrated because after 4 to 5 weeks post my hair just starts looking like an atomic mushroom and just gives me puffy root problems *sigh*

Thanks for listening .... LOL

*vent over*
don't feel bad girl! that happens to the best of us!!!:lol: Maybe your hair doesn't care for a specific brand. I know my hair is like this... My hair may like your shampoo, but despise your conditioner. It would be nice to use a shampoo and its line complimentary conditioner, but I find I get the best results when I don't. I am pretty loyal to the stuff I already have though its mix matched. :lol:
I LOVE My CON - If I could just find a matching conditioner and a relaxer that does right by me then I would be in heaven :lol:

Sistaslick said:
don't feel bad girl! that happens to the best of us!!!:lol: Maybe your hair doesn't care for a specific brand. I know my hair is like this... My hair may like your shampoo, but despise your conditioner. It would be nice to use a shampoo and its line complimentary conditioner, but I find I get the best results when I don't. I am pretty loyal to the stuff I already have though its mix matched. :lol:
KhandiB said:
I think everybodys hair looks better than mine and its like I take a little bit of advice from a lot of people and my hair ends up rebelling and looking all crackish :lol:
First, you have beautiful hair!

Second, girl I'm battling my PJ demons too! Last year, I thought I found my holy grail...coconut oil. I loved how my hair felt and all that. But my ends still be tripping THUS leading me back down the road of PJism. I tried to do no cones but obviously it wasn't working since I keep having to 1 inch or more trims. I also was trying to do natural products but I haven't found any yet that keep everything looking right. :( The things I'm using now have been working better but there are so many parabens & stuff in em.....
Khandi I love your braidout. I to am a recovering pj and the only thing that worked for me was just making myself stick with one line for the most part along with a few tried and true products. I don't think I was giving the products enough time to work effectively before I would move on to the next thing and I was going broke so I had to stop myself. But believe me I feel your pain:yep:
I erra, didnt get around to it yet.. LOL.. Im scared it wont have the slip I want.. :(

PLUS I was waiting for Rite Aid to have that Buy One get one Half Off NTM sale :) which started this past sunday.... SInce I need some more Leave In I was gonna get the DDC...

OT: OOh yeah and I clarified this weekend finally :D

MizaniMami said:
So you didn't like the NTM???
Thank You!!!

I got over my PJ ways, I dont know what made me go back :lol: Im better in one respect cuz I used to have at least 10 different curling irons :lol: - THis is the first time I have let my hair grow in about15 years.. so I just wnat to see where we can take it, Bra Strap is my Goal RIght now, and I think Ill get there, my husband is estatic that I am letting my hair grow :)

I love my CON shampoo too much to stick to one line like I tried a few months ago..

gradygirl said:
Khandi I love your braidout. I to am a recovering pj and the only thing that worked for me was just making myself stick with one line for the most part along with a few tried and true products. I don't think I was giving the products enough time to work effectively before I would move on to the next thing and I was going broke so I had to stop myself. But believe me I feel your pain:yep: