I have finally found the key to my perfect protein treatment...


... and I want to share it with you all. In addition to egg:



So... I am sure many of you have heard about old school ladies drinking Knox Gelatin to grow long nails and hair. Well, I have applied it topically for other purposes (described below) and, I am not sure about the benefits of drinking it, but putting it on my hair proved to be the BEST protein treatment I ever had! :love3:

My hair tends not to like very hard protein, because my hair is dry, and hard protein makes it even dryer (even with moisture DC after). Because of this, I switched to the natural egg protein treatment. I just mix 2 eggs with conditioner and oil, and apply to my dry hair, the let it sit for 40 minutes before I wash (kind of like Traycee). Then I follow with a moisture DC. This was working for better for me than commercial protein treatments, but something was still missing. I was getting strength, but not so much the flexible, elastic strength that I needed.

With that in mind, yesterday, I was mixing up my protein treatment to apply it. I was trying to figure out what else I could put in it to give my hair what it needed. Then, it hit me. I had 2 boxes of unflavored Knox Gelatin in my cabinet (4 pouches in each box). I normally use it under my eyes in my facials, and in my nail treatment when I give myself a manicure. I got to thinking - Knox Gelatin is basically Hydrolyzed Collagen. That is the reason that it adds strength and elasticity to my nails, and to the skin under my eyes, making it look tighter and lighter (I am only 24, but I have hereditary puffiness and dark circles). So, would it not do the same for my hair?! I decided to try it. :sekret:

How I used it:

Because I know that gelatin coagulates when set with liquid, I mixed the other ingredients first. I mixed my 2 beaten eggs, olive oil, and L'oreal Smooth Moisturizing conditioner (I normally use whatever moisturizing conditioner on hand, preferably a thicker one). I then whipped it up. Lastly, right before I was going to apply it, I quickly mixed in one pouch of the unflavored Knox Gelatin. I had to work fast so it would not clump together too quickly. It actually helped my mixture to be a little thicker (i.e., less runny) as well.

Then I applied it to my hair, all over, I put on a plastic cap, waved a warm (not hot - don't want to cook the eggs) blow dryer over my hair for 2 minutes, just to knock off the chill from the eggs, then I wrapped a scarf over my plastic cap to keep it warm. I let it sit for 40 minutes.

I then proceeded to wash and condition my hair as normal. Immediately, when I first rinsed out the protein, I noticed how great my hair felt. I was not breaking, and felt strong and smooth! My hair is a mixture of natural and lightly texlaxed. I am growing out my telaxed hair. So, it is NOT straight. And lately its been feeling wiry and porous because of my moment of ignorance when I colored twice in 2 months :nono: BUT, the shaft felt smooth and not wiry and damaged. I was so pleased! This is what I have needed for so long! :weird:

After I was finished styling my hair, and it dried, my hair was so soft, shiny, and strong feeling. I did a strand test, and my elasticity was so much better. This morning I checked it out, and it STILL felt that way. It was so great!!!!

SO... if you have problems with dry porous hair and breakage, try it!!!! Knox and egg is the BOMB! I wish I had discovered this sooner... :wallbash: Oh well. This is all trial and error right :rolleyes:

Hope this helps ladies! Happy hair growing! :rosebud:
thanks for sharing! I remember reading a thread not too long ago where a member stated that she uses Knox gelatin like the Aphogee treatment. I have it on my to try list.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful tip! I as well have heard from a child about the benefits of Knox for nails but never hair. I will try this treatment and be sure to post feedback. Thanks again for sharing.
I have used gelatin off and one for years and it works extremely well. I just keep forgetting to buy more when I go to the store. I hope I remember tonight.
I've never heard of Knox. Where do you buy it from?

You can buy it at a regular grocery store. It is simply unflavored gelatin (like Jell-O, but without the strawberry/orange/etc.) :yep:

Ditto. It is in the isle with boxed Jello. Be aware though, Knox Gelatin does make flavored gelatin now, so make sure you buy the unflavored kind. You don't want to put food coloring in your hair :look:
This sounds like a great idea! I have yet to try the egg treatment, might as well mix'em both up at once. Thanks :)
... and I want to share it with you all. In addition to egg:



So... I am sure many of you have heard about old school ladies drinking Knox Gelatin to grow long nails and hair. Well, I have applied it topically for other purposes (described below) and, I am not sure about the benefits of drinking it, but putting it on my hair proved to be the BEST protein treatment I ever had! :love3:

My hair tends not to like very hard protein, because my hair is dry, and hard protein makes it even dryer (even with moisture DC after). Because of this, I switched to the natural egg protein treatment. I just mix 2 eggs with conditioner and oil, and apply to my dry hair, the let it sit for 40 minutes before I wash (kind of like Traycee). Then I follow with a moisture DC. This was working for better for me than commercial protein treatments, but something was still missing. I was getting strength, but not so much the flexible, elastic strength that I needed.

With that in mind, yesterday, I was mixing up my protein treatment to apply it. I was trying to figure out what else I could put in it to give my hair what it needed. Then, it hit me. I had 2 boxes of unflavored Knox Gelatin in my cabinet (4 pouches in each box). I normally use it under my eyes in my facials, and in my nail treatment when I give myself a manicure. I got to thinking - Knox Gelatin is basically Hydrolyzed Collagen. That is the reason that it adds strength and elasticity to my nails, and to the skin under my eyes, making it look tighter and lighter (I am only 24, but I have hereditary puffiness and dark circles). So, would it not do the same for my hair?! I decided to try it. :sekret:

How I used it:

Because I know that gelatin coagulates when set with liquid, I mixed the other ingredients first. I mixed my 2 beaten eggs, olive oil, and L'oreal Smooth Moisturizing conditioner (I normally use whatever moisturizing conditioner on hand, preferably a thicker one). I then whipped it up. Lastly, right before I was going to apply it, I quickly mixed in one pouch of the unflavored Knox Gelatin. I had to work fast so it would not clump together too quickly. It actually helped my mixture to be a little thicker (i.e., less runny) as well.

Then I applied it to my hair, all over, I put on a plastic cap, waved a warm (not hot - don't want to cook the eggs) blow dryer over my hair for 2 minutes, just to knock off the chill from the eggs, then I wrapped a scarf over my plastic cap to keep it warm. I let it sit for 40 minutes.

I then proceeded to wash and condition my hair as normal. Immediately, when I first rinsed out the protein, I noticed how great my hair felt. I was not breaking, and felt strong and smooth! My hair is a mixture of natural and lightly texlaxed. I am growing out my telaxed hair. So, it is NOT straight. And lately its been feeling wiry and porous because of my moment of ignorance when I colored twice in 2 months :nono: BUT, the shaft felt smooth and not wiry and damaged. I was so pleased! This is what I have needed for so long! :weird:

After I was finished styling my hair, and it dried, my hair was so soft, shiny, and strong feeling. I did a strand test, and my elasticity was so much better. This morning I checked it out, and it STILL felt that way. It was so great!!!!

SO... if you have problems with dry porous hair and breakage, try it!!!! Knox and egg is the BOMB! I wish I had discovered this sooner... :wallbash: Oh well. This is all trial and error right :rolleyes:

Hope this helps ladies! Happy hair growing! :rosebud:
eating jello makes my hair and nails grow like wildfire...i love jello as a snack, and like to buy it in the 4-pack snack size...i started to notice that my nails were growing out really fast, and i was going to the nail shop more frequently...i also noticed my new growth coming in a lot quicker, and it dawned on me that it was the jello...i always knew gelatin was good for the nails, but i never thought of the benefits on the hair, since hair and nails are pretty much comprised of the same substances...
A friend of mine who lives in Mexico told me years ago that Mexican people eat lots of jellos (it is the basic everyday desserts overthere) and that is why they have such beautiful nails and hair. I am not sure for the external use though, I may need to try it out :)
My fine strand hair loves protein and moisture. I was looking for something to thicken up my too thin moisturizing DC so it doesn't drip. I will add a little bit to see if it helps. Thanks for sharing OP.
Thanks for sharing does it have to be knox or can it be any unflavoured gelantin???
I dont think they carry this brand in germany!. :(
oh my mom used to make me drink Knoxx and eat jell-o and I hated it!!!! But knowing that it can work topically is great! So thanks for the tip! Right now I'm in the middle of my first egg treatment. I wish I had some Knoxx.
Alright, I'm sitting here with this mix in my hair now...1 egg, castor oil, Hello Hydration conditioner and 1 pack of Knox. I'll be back with an update on how my hair feels once I wash it out
ETA: well as I rinsed it out, my hair felt hard, but I didnt panic, this is a protein treatment. So I shampooed it out, and it started feeling much better. A strange feeling, very strong, but soft at the same time. Then I DC'd with AO HSR for 30 mins with heat. Rinsed and did an ACV final rinse, then rollerset as usual. I broke maybe 6 or 7 hairs during my set, which is a little more than usual, and that means I didnt DC enough. Overall I really liked this, I might use Humecto next time I try this. HSR wasnt enough for my hair
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No problem ladies!!! As RDT said she would (thanks RDT), if you try it, come back and let me know how it worked for you ;)

Just now reading this thread, but I KNOW this works because the only conditioner that ever "made my hair grow" as I viewed it at the time, was Cortexx. I don't know if anyone remembers it, but it was out in the late 80s or early 90s. It had gelatin in it. I knew nothing about hair care except that all of a sudden "my hair was growing." The truth is, I was retaining my length.

Thanks! I can't wait to try this!
Info on my favorite conditioner for hair growth. I miss you Cortexx! :cry2:

"Cortexx, which got off to a fast start in the nation's major drug chains. is the first product of its type to use gelatin in its formula -- the same ingredient women have used for years to strengthen their finger nails. "Cortexx actually strengthens the hair and reduces breaking and splitting by as much as 60%," explains Brand Manager Chris White."

Cortexx - 1997
eating jello makes my hair and nails grow like wildfire...i love jello as a snack, and like to buy it in the 4-pack snack size...i started to notice that my nails were growing out really fast, and i was going to the nail shop more frequently...i also noticed my new growth coming in a lot quicker, and it dawned on me that it was the jello...i always knew gelatin was good for the nails, but i never thought of the benefits on the hair, since hair and nails are pretty much comprised of the same substances...

Y'all just make sure you get the beef gelatin (Knox) and not the fruit pectin jello...not gelatin.