I have every hair type on my head? *Pic Heavy* Cuz ya know how I do.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible that I have every hair type on my head? So I BC'ed back on super bowl Sunday 2010. My hair was wayyy shorter than it is now. The progress in my opinion is amazing. So I understand the concept of scab hair, but I transitioned for about a little less than a year before I BC'ed so there hasn't been a relaxer near my scalp in like a year and 1/2. And I understand about heat damage, but I haven't straighten my hair- I attempted to but was so afraid of heat damage that I didn't turn my maxiglade up high enough to even straighten my hair :lachen:, so I know it ain't heat damage. So I've noticed straight pieces of hair in my head but I figured it was old relax ends that didn't get the real SNIP SNIP the day of my BC. But I'm looking at this hair and it's LONG..... and if it was scab hair wouldn't it have a straight end and curly root like my hair was during my transition? So I've even pulled out a piece of this straight hair and got the root so I could see it from root to tip-- and it was straight... like damn near bone straight. :blush: How did that happen? And as I've looked at my hair as it dries I've noticed other straight pieces of hair... straight or very loose curls to the root. I have no clue what my hair is doing! I claim I'm a 3c/4a hair person. I've submitted tons of pics on this site and got confirmation on that fact. But what is freaking me out is there are these straight pieces I see and they are super long so I know that at least part of the hair is new growth since my BC. Meh... i dunno.. I know I need a trim... so don't mind if you see a split end :look:. So I got some kinks, some curls, some waves, and I guess some straight pieces?!?! :perplexed










I have the same problem the front of my hair is super straight but extra thick to the touch and then the curl seems to get tighter the further back you go.
It is what it is girl no need to stress, my DD's hair is exactly the same. I put in one thread that her hair is a 3c4ab, she also has some straight pieces here and there as well.

When I was natural I noticed the same thing, I know it was not relaxer because I had a major cut almost a year after I BC"d. I only straightened during that time. When it grew back this is when I noticed the straight pieces.

She has never had a relaxer and I press maybe once a year. NO heat damage.
Oh good to know this is normal! haha I was sooo confused! I sorta wish my hair was one texture... but I guess my hair's dissociative identity disorder gives my it personality :lachen:... I know its going to continue to morph and change the longer it goes. I cannot wait to see what BSL natural hair looks like on me :grin:
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(comes out of hiding) i too have this problem lol, i thought it was just relaxed ends too until i went inside the bush and saw that some hairs were straight from root to tip. its just a few in the front so i dont really mind it.
I have this issue too!! Doesn't bother me much, but I'm glad to see it's normal for other people to be going through this also!
Okay.... as long as my hair is not a freak of nature. I was thinking this cannot be normal to have 1a------4zz on one head. Haha... I thought my hair was having an identity crisis. Thanks you guys... I guess I won't try to make those hairs curl. Idunno how I planned on making it change its growth pattern :lachen:
That's how my hair is too. In fact, I think when I BCed I cut too much off the top because I thought it was still relaxed...nope, just weird poofy straight strands. Maybe my white greatgrandaddy is showing his presence through some random straight hairs:lachen:.

Your hair looks nice and healthy.
My hair is the same way; I think they curl a little better when I do a protein treatment. I also have a couple of spots on my head that are practically straight that I call my scab hair - they have started to curl at the root and those were the spots that I often burned at my scalp when I was relaxing.
Yup yup, normal. I have some 4a "ramen noodles" and a 1c strand that likes to tap me on the forehead or the bridge of my nose. It is contained within the coils right now, or I would snap a pic of its contrary self.
me too... and i'm wondering if that's the reason for different growth rates/length

eta: your very 1st pic i see @ least 2 different textures (the top & sides)... i love the way it looks though!!!
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Either way, it's cute.
Did you recently BC?

I BCed super bowl sunday, but transitioned for a couple of months shy of a year.

That's how my hair is too. In fact, I think when I BCed I cut too much off the top because I thought it was still relaxed...nope, just weird poofy straight strands. Maybe my white greatgrandaddy is showing his presence through some random straight hairs:lachen:.

Your hair looks nice and healthy.
yea well my grand daddy was white-ish. My daddy and bro have 3b-c curls.

me too... and i'm wondering if that's the reason for different growth rates/length

eta: your very 1st pic i see @ least 2 different textures (the top & sides)... i love the way it looks though!!!

OhThat would make sense! My 3c hair grows super faster than my 4b hair.

Thank for the compliments and support!
My hair is the same way. I have some bone straight strands and some strands that are type 2 and are significantly longer than the rest of my hair. The rest of my hair is a mix of 4a and 3c (it actually looks a whole lot like yours and I think we may be twins!), so I guess it is possible to have types 1 - 4 on one head!
My son's hair is quite varied in texture, ranging from wavy straightish, to curly, and coily. Texture is just one of the many attributes of natural hair that make it beautiful and interesting!!!
OP, you need to stop!!! :lachen: :lachen: You literally made me scream with your #1 strands. OMG, I swear you need to be committed. :lol: Do the folks in white coats know you escaped from the loony bin and are running around loose? :rofl:


I do agree that your sides look like 4B, your crown looks like a mix of 3C and 4A. I don't know what's going on with your straight strands...but for some reason, they tickled me purple and sent me to tears. :lachen:
I BCed super bowl sunday, but transitioned for a couple of months shy of a year.

yea well my grand daddy was white-ish. My daddy and bro have 3b-c curls.

OhThat would make sense! My 3c hair grows super faster than my 4b hair.

Thank for the compliments and support!
yup... i didn't wanna believe it, but the proofs in the pudding... my 3a/b hair in the back grows so quick/it's the longest (pushing on mbl) and it was the shortest when i got my hair cut... i mean close to my scalp short
OP, you need to stop!!! :lachen: :lachen: You literally made me scream with your #1 strands. OMG, I swear you need to be committed. :lol: Do the folks in white coats know you escaped from the loony bin and are running around loose? :rofl:


I do agree that your sides look like 4B, your crown looks like a mix of 3C and 4A. I don't know what's going on with your straight strands...but for some reason, they tickled me purple and sent me to tears. :lachen:

Girl, i am constantly getting surprised by my natural hair!!!! I was like OMG is this heat damage even tho I ain't use heat in like a year! :lachen::lachen: I thought it was some residual damage coming through.

yup... i didn't wanna believe it, but the proofs in the pudding... my 3a/b hair in the back grows so quick/it's the longest (pushing on mbl) and it was the shortest when i got my hair cut... i mean close to my scalp short

That might be why 1-3 classifications of hair are so revered in society because they grow longer fast....:look: Yeah I said it! But I've learned on LHCF that the 4 classifications can be just as LONG, STRONG, and BEAUTIFUL as the looser curls, but they take more patients. My head is a strong example. People are so rude... they will be like OMG I love your hair! When they see the front, then call the back of my hair... and I quote "Niccar hair!" :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: They say that's the only thing that makes them still consider me black and not mixed. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: My natural hair has made me really see the evils of this good hair bad hair debate b/c I have both the stereotypical "good" hair and "bad" hair on my head in different areas.

You don't have ONE SPLIT in those pictures! :o
Your hair looks so healthy! And yes, I also have every hair type on my head. :D

GIRL do you need me to highlight the splits in those pics I took. :perplexed I'm just afraid to let anyone touch my hair. I may get my Auntie who did my BC to trim my ends for me. I know she won't cut off too much. I've been using Redken's split end mender which has helped! :yep: Cuz I don't wrap my hair at night or do any of the protective hair stuff to keep my strands from rubbing against rough surfaces. My pillow cases aren't satin or silk because that mess makes my head sweat. :nono::drunk: