i have decided to go natural!


New Member
I've been thinking about it deeply..and I think I can do it!:grin: I've realized that there are so many things I can do with my natural hair..and well after watching "Good Hair" I refuse to put chemicals in my hair. Not knocking anyone who continues..but it's not for me. My question is..how long should i transition?
Congrats on your decision. Now you have to research research and choose which transition options are best for you.

Keep us posted!
I think the length of time you transition is totally your decision. Will you be able to deal with the two textures or do you want to just get it over with and bc? Goodluck...
Congratulations on your decision to transition to natural!

As other stated b4 the length of your transition is entirely up to you.

I simply suggest transitioning as long as it takes you to get past the "mental transition"

by "mental transition" I mean trully accepting your natural texture. Whether it be kinky curly or whatever. It take some a while to feel comfortable with "napps". You may want to play with braid outs, twist outs and other styles to see what works with your face and personal style.

The "big chop" works for some but not all. So take time to see what you like :)

And of course you will always have your LHCF sisters with you all the way to assit you!
Congrats on your decision! How long you want to transition is soley up to you. Whenever you choose to BC, just know you've got all the resources available to you on here and fotki, blogs, Youtube, etc. Utilize them! Enjoy your journey:grin:

As was stated, take as much time as you need to get over any mental hurdles. Acceptance is the first step on a successful HHJ.:yep:
Congratulations on your decision! Good luck with the transition -- as long or short as you choose it to be. :)
Congrats! I'm right there with you. I'm gonna try to transition for at least a year. But I think you should transition for as long (or as short) as you need/want to. I would BC now at 7 weeks post, but my forehead is huge and I'd look really crazy, lol.
Congratulations on your decision to transition! It's definitely a big decision, and it takes a mental transition first. So I agree with the advice the ladies have given here already. Definitely transition for as long as it takes you to make that mental transition. HTH!
Wonderful!! Trust me you will not regret it...the only thing you will regret is not doing it sooner....Congrats and your LHCF family will be walking with you every step of the way!!:bouncy::circle:
Congrats. I made the same decision as well. Im 18 weeks post texlax as of tomorrow. I have realized that the relaxer is not for me. I will continue to roller set and as usual even when Im natural. Not giving up the pibbs. I truly do not know how long I will transition for.
Great news! I'm so glad more and more people are going natchal. I guess I didn't realize that I was doing it at the time but I transitioned with braids for about 9 months.
Congrats on you decision I've been natural for the past 15 years and I have not look back. I really can't tell you how long it might take, but it took me about 1 year to go from a perm to all natural. Good luck :)

You will need to decide how long you should transition.

I would suggest you review some of the things that ladies who are transitioning are doing to keep the two textures.

Remember you will have a "new normal" when dealing with two textures also. Do yourself a favor and save yourself some drama. DO NOT compare your hair and transition phase to others. Each is uniquely different.

Best wishes to you in your new hair journey.
Ah yeah---got another one!! :-)

Man I am telling you, once you embrace the freeness of having natural hair---you will ask yourself why you relaxed in the first place. Natural hair is SO versatile---from kinky to straight and back to kinky. As far as the transition, take as long as you need---it isn't about how fast you get there; the destination is still the same.

LHCF will definitely be a great resource for you and know that you have a team of sisters ready to help, encourage and uplift you...congratulations!!

I've decided to go natural today. I havent been natural since I was a kid. So y'all know I need to read everything. I plan on a long term transition. I'm gonna be needing y'all's help.

Congrats on your decision!! I know we're making the right decision.
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I never transitioned b/c I just wanted a fresh start. But I do agree with others that stated that decision is up to you.

GL on your natural hair journey!!!
Congrats!!! I've been transition for almost 6 months and it's been easier then I thought. If you plan to transition for a long period of time, Like me, then co-washing will save your life. Detangling is a breeze. I also have nothing against those who wish to relax but after watching that clip of the relaxers on Good Hair, it made me that much more certain that I was doing the right thing. I could NEVER relax again. Can't believe I didn't do it sooner.
Congratulations on your decision to go natural.:yahoo::yay::superbanana: Please be sure to check out the transitioning/natural threads. There is alot of helpful information in these threads. Don't be afraid to ask questions! We're all here to help each other. :lots::bouncy: