I have an idea (how to on making a phony pony) ....


New Member
This is an idea that came to mind this morning about how to make phony ponies. I bought some tracks by accident online. I thought it was a 1/2 weave, but I later learned it was a bundle of track hair. It's kind of silky and curly. I thought about giving it away but then I had this engenious idea :yep::scratchch:think: I could make a drawstring phony pony. I'm crafty like that so I got to thinking about how I could do it. I'm going to try to make it this weekend.
Ok... so this is how I'm gonna do it.

an elastic with toggle on the end (I'll get this from an old pair of workout pants) (but anything can be used I'm thinking. If I hadn't thought of the elastic band, I was going to use a shoestring! :lachen:
a stocking foot
I'm going to steal a comb from one of my older ponies so I have just 1 comb in it for security. Or I'm sure this step could be skipped if you prefer a combless ponytail.
Anyway, I'm going to take the stocking foot and fold the end of it up making a hallow "hem" in it. I'm going to snip a little notch into the hem, being careful not cutting all the way up to the "hem" line. Then I'll take a safety pin and pull the elastic through and knot it off, thus making my drawstring option.
Then, I'll carefully sew the tracks onto the stocking foot going straight across starting at the bottom. I figure this way it will fall nicely and look layered. Once all the tracks are sewn on, I will wear it as normal.
Sounds easy enough, right? I'll let you know how it turned out on Monday :yep:
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