I have a quick question


New Member
Hey everyone, Im the new girl, and wanted to check in and let everyone know I got my MTG yesterday.....and Im excited to see the future results!!!! I will definently keep everyone posted

But I just have a have quick question, and Ill be out you hair:D My sister is pg and was wondering if it would be safe on her to use....shes currently rocking some box braids, and is wanting to try it out. Does anyone know the answer to this


Just popping in to say I love your screenname...so cute!

As far as MTG for your Sis... I think I would just wait until after the baby is born. MTG has Cade Oil in it which is an abortifacient. She should definitely NOT use it unless you want to run the risk of losing the pregnancy.
I forgot to add in my post a site I came across that may be helpful, as far as oils and diffrent hair/scalp issues goes. Hope it appeals to someone here!!!

I am pregnant and I stopped using MTG because I read that the sulfur was not good for the baby. I didn't know that cade oil was also an abortifacient :eek: . So it looks like I made the right call! :)
Thanks everyone

The information you posted was very helpful PatTodd....ty

yw....... for the link, shalom

Thanks for the compliment on the screen name, ThursdayGirl....I found it very fitting....and easy to remember;)
