I have a question for Phyto II Users.....


New Member
If I put this in my hair, will I not be considered "natural" anymore?

I don't mean to sound dumb, but from what I have read, this does not have chemicals. So I want to make sure before I decide to do anything drastic.

I also wanted to know, does this totally eliminate the curl pattern in natural hair.

BTW, I want to stay natural, meaning NO chemicals (any kind of Hydroxides or lye I do NOT want)

Its just that I have been enjoying the managability of flat ironed hair (ceramic of course) & figured that I could continue enjoy the convienience (sp?) if I just found a natural solution instead of putting heat on my hair every week or two.

TIA :)
Sorry, Koffie,
Phyto 2 is a perm, a no-lye one, but still a perm. You won't be "natural" anymore.

I feel the same as you, i just hit apl/bsl with my natural hair, but i am perming it for more managability. Many people say that it doesn't break the hair down as much, but it definitely permanently straightens.

If your hair is fine, or you want a more texturized effect, people say you should try Index 1. So hth! hhg!

Koffie said:
If I put this in my hair, will I not be considered "natural" anymore?

I don't mean to sound dumb, but from what I have read, this does not have chemicals. So I want to make sure before I decide to do anything drastic.

I also wanted to know, does this totally eliminate the curl pattern in natural hair.

BTW, I want to stay natural, meaning NO chemicals (any kind of Hydroxides or lye I do NOT want)

Its just that I have been enjoying the managability of flat ironed hair (ceramic of course) & figured that I could continue enjoy the convienience (sp?) if I just found a natural solution instead of putting heat on my hair every week or two.

TIA :)
I agree with Nissi. Any "product" that alters the structure of your hair is chemical. There has to be a chemical reaction for the process to work. Whether or not they use conventional chemicals like sodium hydroxide or more creative catalysts like egg and guanidine, the affect is still the same. Calling it a "natural" relaxer is more marketing than science.
Those ladies are so right. I've used Index I and II. For me II was pretty strong. So if you just want to loosen your curls I would opt for Index I. But like the other ladies said this is not chemical free at all.