I have a question bout SILICIA:


New Member
I have noticed that alot of you ladies use this supplement and have had good results. So i went to GNC to get some and noticed it says i think made from Horsetail Extract.{So is it pretty much the same thing}? The Silicia only had 11mg, but the Horsetail has 500mg. {Also, for those who use it how many grams do you use and what brand}?
Thanks in advanced.
I use Biosil but I don't think it makes my hair grow super fast - just average. But my hair has become much healthier and thicker.
I use silicia that I bought from GNC. I take one table 3 times a week along with my other supplements.
I use the Biosil drops everyday in my juice. I don't think it makes my hair grow faster, but I notice my skin is even clearer, my nails are white, and my hair grows in thicker and shinier.
I use GNC horsetail 500 mg (in the green bottle). There is also silica in Nettle Extract and then of course, pure silica.
I take GNC Fingerprint Horsetail twice a week
And I take GNC Silica about once a week
In addition to those I take an antioxidant vitamin and calcium supplement everyday.
GNC Biotin 600 I try to take daily
I take the GNC Silica that's 11mg, and I do believe it has allowed me to gain my 1 in. of NG this month. I've only been taking it for about 2wks but I started receiving this terrible itching, and I mean crazy itching, and then bam, out of nowhere I had all of this NG, I also added Evening Primrose to my v-regimen, I take 1 silica a day. I will be comparing my growht I receive up until my 16wk touch up day to my last growth results to see if I receive much more. Will keep everyone posted, my last touch up I had 2 1/2 in so I'm looking forward to 4 in or more.
Thanks everyone for the responses. I had been wondering about the silicia, cause i too take the GNC fingerprint brand of horsetail 500mg but thought bout taking silicia instead and lady (young girl) said it was same thing pretty much,that Horsetail was a herb and silicia was vitamin and that the Horsetail was better. also on /off i have been using horsetail since i seen a ladies hair and vitamins i think it was Bree not sure off top of my head but did print it so i will look for it and post who she was. Also i did notice some growth
and how much more of a deep wave of new growth. I've been a member on this board for a year now and don't know how to add pictures and haven't put any regimens up. far as hair i never have stuck to one thing too long,so that's gonna be a looong list of products but will list what @ any time i noticed growth. and hadn't never taken vitamins other than ULTRA MEGA @GNC ( FOR WEIGHT LOSS CAUSE WAS TOLD IT HELPS) and on/off IRON (CAUSE I'M ANEMIC) so I will do that. Take care .
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