I Have a Peppermint Fetish!!!


Well-Known Member
I have this huge addiction with products with peppermint oil in them. The smell I find therapudic and I LOVE the tingling sensation. I washed with Hairobics Therapudic Shampoo and followed with UBH conditioner and was in heaven.

Anyone else enjoy the effects of peppermint oil or know of some good products containing it? (like I need them)
I have peppermint essential oil and all I know is that one whiff brings alertness to the mind and senses, much more than coffee ever can. It also repels ants...

I haven't used this on my hair and scalp yet.
Design Essentials has a conditioner with mint in it. So does St. Ives, (I think, they may have discontinued it though). Check the websites for details, I'm not sure of the exact names. I think the St. Ives one is called the Hair Repair Treatment and the DE product was a deep cleansing shampoo of some kind....maybe another poster will remember the precise details.

Dr. Bronner's has a castille soap that's peppermint as well (some people use this as a sulfate free shampoo)....
Tracy said:
Design Essentials has a conditioner with mint in it. So does St. Ives, (I think, they may have discontinued it though). Check the websites for details, I'm not sure of the exact names. I think the St. Ives one is called the Hair Repair Treatment and the DE product was a deep cleansing shampoo of some kind....maybe another poster will remember the precise details.

Dr. Bronner's has a castille soap that's peppermint as well (some people use this as a sulfate free shampoo)....

I know Design Essentials has a conditioner called Stimulations which I use to love for the tingling effects, the ingredients weren't impressive enough for me to keep purchasing. I'll have to look into that shampoo, I'm almost out of my Hairobics!

I also used the Dr. Bronners, but didn't like how my hair felt :-(

I haven't explored the St. Ives though....I may have to look into to that one to see whether or not it's been discontinued...
So1913 - you know it JUST registered that it was YOU.... :lol:

Hey girl! :kiss:

I'll try to think of some others for you...those are the ones I know offhand...I didn't like any of them much either, except that St. Ives product. :ohwell:

ETA: are u still on our Wanakee challenge??? :lol:
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Tracy said:
So1913 - you know it JUST registered that it was YOU.... :lol:

Hey girl! :kiss:

I'll try to think of some others for you...those are the ones I know offhand...I didn't like any of them much either, except that St. Ives product. :ohwell:

ETA: are u still on our Wanakee challenge??? :lol:

HEY! You know I pop up in here in slurges and the dissapear!

Guuuuurl, my attention span is worse than that of a 5 year olds. I fell of the the challenge a while ago, but my hair is doing "ok", lol. You?

I've tried a few other minty products in the past. So far I really like the Hairobics and the UBH...but I wouldn't mind finding a good moisturizing conditioner....hmmm, I just ordered unsented conditioner from Jessicurl...if that works out, I may just buy the peppermint essential oil and add it myself...

I'm on the Attention Deficit Disorder challenge as well... :lachen: I still wear updos a lot (my buns are getting easier now that I've found my "style" - parted in the middle and low) but other than that I'm just trying not to doing anything WRONG to it... :lol:

Adding peppermint oil to what you already like sounds like the great idea. I'm using cinnamon oil the same way you use peppermint...for the tingle. But it also is supposed to up your growth rate (as is peppermint). Querusgurl used to mention this, remember? :)

Your puff is TIGHT! :love:
Girlfriend :sekret: ...... :sekret: .... I believe that I have a pep fetish too :grin: I'm always adding pep oil to my many concoctions!

The sensation of coolness on my scalp is sooo incredible invigorating & refreshing. I absolutely :love: using this conditioner
during the summer... so much that I started a ~~ thread ~~ about it (( thanks again Brownie :wave: ))

SO, try this conditioner... u won't be disappointed!! :cool:

I know that's right, not doing anything WRONG is a challenge in itself!

Thanks! I'm so BORED with the puff though...it's how I ALWAYS wear my hair, but it's the simplest thing for someone with no styling skills and with my work schedule...ah well... I think when it gets longer and more even in length, I'll be able to start enjoying various styling options...
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Peachtree said:
Girlfriend :sekret: ...... :sekret: .... I believe that I have a pep fetish too :grin: I'm always adding pep oil to my many concoctions!

The sensation of coolness on my scalp is sooo incredible invigorating & refreshing. I absolutely :love: using this conditioner
during the summer... so much that I started a ~~ thread ~~ about it (( thanks again Brownie :wave: ))

SO, try this conditioner... u won't be disappointed!! :cool:

Ooooh, I've seen this too! I'll have to pick up a bottle and try it. Do you find it moisturizing as well?
ms_kenesha said:
Ooooh, this isn't peppermint, but Paul Mitchell Special Tee Tree Shampoo is GREAT for tingle. :up:

Yep, that is a good one too. I got my roomate hooked on this stuff (shampoo and conditioner) in college for her dry scalp...worked like a charm for her!
so1913 said:
Ooooh, I've seen this too! I'll have to pick up a bottle and try it. Do you find it moisturizing as well?

I can't truly tell if it's moisturizing enough in itself... I mainly apply it to my scalp then add a moisturizing conditioner to the hair. I've never had any problems with it (when followed by a moisturizing conditioner).

I can't wait to try it on my natural hair once the weather warms. If I were to use it now, in this Cleveland weather, I'll be FROZE for 2 days :lol: .... (( that's just how much this conditioner "cools" off the scalp :cool: ))
Peachtree said:
I can't truly tell if it's moisturizing enough in itself... I mainly apply it to my scalp then add a moisturizing conditioner to the hair. I've never had any problems with it (when followed by a moisturizing conditioner).

I can't wait to try it on my natural hair once the weather warms. If I were to use it now, in this Cleveland weather, I'll be FROZE for 2 days :lol: .... (( that's just how much this conditioner "cools" off the scalp :cool: ))

Cool...AudraChanell and I (hee hee) will be sure to give this one a try! I checked Sally's site and they said "discontinued" but it's still on the Fantasia site and a few other online stores. I wonder if it is discontinued, or just discontinued by Sally's and they just won't be carrying it anymore...

I think I've seen it at National Wholesale Liquidators by my house, I'll check it out
so1913 said:
Cool...AudraChanell and I (hee hee) will be sure to give this one a try! I checked Sally's site and they said "discontinued" but it's still on the Fantasia site and a few other online stores. I wonder if it is discontinued, or just discontinued by Sally's and they just won't be carrying it anymore...

I think I've seen it at National Wholesale Liquidators by my house, I'll check it out

Oh, I almost forgot to mention...WARNING... this conditioner will have ya' smelling like peppermint for days :lol:

:eek: :eek: DISCONTINUED?!?! Oh heck naw :mad: .... gotta go :driver: stock up on it then... (( I hope it's just Sally's that's discontinuing it ))
I found the Fantasia conditioner last year for a dollar and never used it I will have to try it soon.
I dont think it discontinued I have seen it in all my local Bss.
Tracy said:
Design Essentials has a conditioner with mint in it. So does St. Ives, (I think, they may have discontinued it though). Check the websites for details, I'm not sure of the exact names. I think the St. Ives one is called the Hair Repair Treatment and the DE product was a deep cleansing shampoo of some kind....maybe another poster will remember the precise details.

Dr. Bronner's has a castille soap that's peppermint as well (some people use this as a sulfate free shampoo)....

St. Ives conditioner is still around but the shamppoo has been discontinued.
so1913 said:
I have this huge addiction with products with peppermint oil in them. The smell I find therapudic and I LOVE the tingling sensation. I washed with Hairobics Therapudic Shampoo and followed with UBH conditioner and was in heaven.

Anyone else enjoy the effects of peppermint oil or know of some good products containing it? (like I need them)

Girl ME TOO!!! I love :love: the way it feels on my scalp! I kept looking for products with Peppermint in them too. I gave up and just bought the eo. Now I mix it with just about everything that has to sit on my scalp for any length of time.(Surge, deep conditioners, etc...)

Does anyone know of any other "tingling" e-oils?
ms_kenesha said:
Ooooh, this isn't peppermint, but Paul Mitchell Special Tee Tree Shampoo is GREAT for tingle. :up:

The Sally's Generic brand works just as good! I haven't used it in a long time. I used to "grease" my scalp with it and then rinse it out!

Gat ta have the TINGLE!!

I LOOOVE the pepperminty feeling too. I just got addicted to the Nioxin smoothing protectives, and the hair and scalp therapy (I forgot what it is called) but the tingle is toe curling :lol:
This is the one Tracy was talking about..I like this one also..
foxybronx said:
I LOOOVE the pepperminty feeling too. I just got addicted to the Nioxin smoothing protectives, and the hair and scalp therapy (I forgot what it is called) but the tingle is toe curling :lol:
This is the one Tracy was talking about..I like this one also..

Oh how fun! All the options!