I have a lot of breakage-should I relax or stop using henna


Well-Known Member
I am currently 10 and a half months post and was trying to hold out July, hopefully September to decide whether I was going to relax or not. These past 2 weeks I have been experiencing breakage and have tried moisturizing and using protein to stop it. None of this has helped. Every time I comb my hair I have about 10 short hairs falling out with every stroke of the comb. I washed, dc'ed, henna'ed and rollerset last night thinking it may stop it but it didnt. Could this be due to the henna? Or is it just that time to get a relaxer? I've never experienced breakage due to needing a relaxer and would generally just relax when I got tired of dealing with too much ng. Has anyone experienced breakage due to over-henna'ing? I used henna last week and again this week. Anyone have any tips on how I can stop the breakage without having to use S-curl? Is there another good moisturizer or product out there that could help me?

Next week I am going to use my Motions CPR and see if it stops and if it doesn't I will relax the first week in March. Since I have been wearing my lacefront I have been keeping it on for 4 days, I just purchased tape and am thinking about reapplying every morning and moisturizing my hair every night and doing the baggie method. I'm up for any suggestions cuz my hair needs some help right now! TIA
Are you still doing protein treatments? I realized that although Henna was helping me with thickness, I still needed the protein treatment to totally manage breakage. I wasn't getting a whole lot of breakage but it was more than usual. I had stop doing protein treatments since I started dong Henna.

I think I will althernate with Henna and protein treatments.
I never did protein treatments, not heavy ones atleast. I always used Aussie 3 Min Miracle every week or Motions CPR (until I found the Aussie) I never had bad breakage like this b4. I think next week I won't use henna but will go back to my regular regimen of using the Aussie followed my the HH Hello Hydration. I generally just leave my hair alone and it is fine. I don't moisturize very often, other than spraying S-Curl around the perimeter of my hair everyday to lay it flat. I don't know if this is a moisture problem or a protein problem.
When my hair starts acting up from frequent henna treatments, it's usually a moisture problem so I scale back to once every two or three weeks and step up the moisturizing, this always helps.

ETA: I was skipping deep conditioning treatments which I've started doing and they have made all the difference in the world. I think it was my missing ingredient!
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I'm having this same problem, breakage from NG. This is the first time that I've been able to stretch beyond six weeks since joining LHCF. I tried the henna for the breakage but that didn't work. What's saving my hair is washing and DC twice a week. My hair needed moisture and straight water is working best. I keep manipulation down by parting my hair in quarters and braiding, then washing and DC. It seems to be working. I could almost swear that I'm getting a little extra growth since starting this routine.
I agree with VWVixxen. My breakage problems are almost always moisture related. But I always tend to think protein first too. Meaning, my hair is weak and that's why it's breaking. But lack of moisture causes breakage too, especially for my dry hair. Henna made my hair feel stronger than any protein treatment after just one treatment, so I can imagine what another one would do a week later. I think you need extra moisture, with a good DC and 2X daily moisturizer.
baglady215 said:
Henna made my hair feel stronger than any protein treatment after just one treatment, so I can imagine what another one would do a week later. I think you need extra moisture, with a good DC and 2X daily moisturizer.

That's EXACTLY what I've started doing as well!
MissFallon said:
I am currently 10 and a half months post and was trying to hold out July, hopefully September to decide whether I was going to relax or not. These past 2 weeks I have been experiencing breakage and have tried moisturizing and using protein to stop it. None of this has helped. Every time I comb my hair I have about 10 short hairs falling out with every stroke of the comb. I washed, dc'ed, henna'ed and rollerset last night thinking it may stop it but it didnt. Could this be due to the henna? Or is it just that time to get a relaxer? I've never experienced breakage due to needing a relaxer and would generally just relax when I got tired of dealing with too much ng. Has anyone experienced breakage due to over-henna'ing? I used henna last week and again this week. Anyone have any tips on how I can stop the breakage without having to use S-curl? Is there another good moisturizer or product out there that could help me?

Next week I am going to use my Motions CPR and see if it stops and if it doesn't I will relax the first week in March. Since I have been wearing my lacefront I have been keeping it on for 4 days, I just purchased tape and am thinking about reapplying every morning and moisturizing my hair every night and doing the baggie method. I'm up for any suggestions cuz my hair needs some help right now! TIA

It's not the henna. Maybe the manipulation is the culprit as well, but I think it's time for a touch up MissFallon!

Not everyone can stretch for months at a time. I think your hair has found it's threshhold. Get the relaxer before you have extensive breakage. Let us know if that helps.
january noir said:
It's not the henna. Maybe the manipulation is the culprit as well, but I think it's time for a touch up MissFallon!

Not everyone can stretch for months at a time. I think your hair has found it's threshhold. Get the relaxer before you have extensive breakage. Let us know if that helps.

I've stretched for longer than 10 months b4 with no problems. I have never relaxed during the winter/fall and always go between September-July relaxer free. I relaxed April 06,06

I figured the issue was lack of moisture. I always deep condition weekly and use moisturizing products. I dont manipulate my hair at all, I wear it braided or wrapped all week under my lf and then take it down to wash. What is the most moisturizing product that I can use to bring the balance back? Usually I just deep condition and use S-curl but I can't do that now because of the way I wear my hair.I will probably braid it tonight and then remove my lf everynight and spray it with s-curl.
I guess the main issue is that since wearing this lf I have changed my regimen a lot. I think if I go shorter periods in my lacefront and find a good moisturizer that wont make my hair wet or mushy and use it every other day I should be good. I just find it strange cuz b4 this I never moisturized really I just wore a bun, slicked my hair back and went about my business. I think I may just cut my hair back to APL again and see if that helps.

ETA: I think I am going to cut down on the henna to every 2 weeks and use my regular regimen on the other weeks.
MissFallon said:
I've stretched for longer than 10 months b4 with no problems. I have never relaxed during the winter/fall and always go between September-July relaxer free. I relaxed April 06,06

I figured the issue was lack of moisture. I always deep condition weekly and use moisturizing products. I dont manipulate my hair at all, I wear it braided or wrapped all week under my lf and then take it down to wash. What is the most moisturizing product that I can use to bring the balance back? Usually I just deep condition and use S-curl but I can't do that now because of the way I wear my hair.I will probably braid it tonight and then remove my lf everynight and spray it with s-curl.

Hi MissFallon!
Is the If your fall? Just wanted to be sure! :)
If you are sure it's just the lack or quality of the moisture, then I can only say to continue to moisturize and cut out the henna. I really don't think it's the henna per se. What do you add to your henna when you mix it? When was the last time you henna'd? I am curious because most people here use all kinds of additives to their henna thinking it makes it better and in reality it's causing dryness to the hair.
Henna made my hair very dry and brittle until I cut back on the amount of time I left the henna in my hair and also hennaed less frequent.
Henna is like a protein conditioner, isn't it? I think it's mostly moisture that you need :yep:
Miss Fallon, I think I remember you saying you are pregnant...I thought that could change hair texture, resiliance, that kind of thing. :confused:
Ladies, could that be part of what's going on?

But definately give your hair more moisture, the henna does dry my hair out more than usual, especially when I use it alot.
january noir said:
I am curious because most people here use all kinds of additives to their henna thinking it makes it better and in reality it's causing dryness to the hair.

Not to turn this into a henna thread but I still henna frequently, once every other week but have also increased the moisturizing (not just oiling) of my hair and it's not nearly as dry. In my henna mix I don't add anything like a moisturizer or oil so I'm not sure it if would help to do so.

I definitely think scaling back the frequency would help, at least it did in my case.
I agree with the ladies about your hair needing more moisture. Henna is a protein treatment and I'm counting it as such with my hair. Deep conditioning with a good moisturizing conditioner every wash can make a big difference. :)
So far this week I have tried EQP mango butter, NTM silk touch, cholesterol, pcj newgro hairdress, and hb carrot oil creme.

Can anyone tell me what a good moisturizer for this type of problem would be?
Depending on how you wear your hair, you may just want to try distilled water mixed with a light conditioner, and seal with oil. This works wonders for my hair.

I also like BB Castor Oil Moisturizer, although I do want to try their new Growth formula.
MissFallon said:
So far this week I have tried EQP mango butter, NTM silk touch, cholesterol, pcj newgro hairdress, and hb carrot oil creme.

Can anyone tell me what a good moisturizer for this type of problem would be?

Just as it took multiple treatments to get your hair to this point, it may take a few moisturizing treatments to balance it back out properly.

Last week I bought the Mizani H2O Night Time treatment which I started using every other day. I also bought the Dove Moisture Mist and used that twice a day. By Friday my hair was very much moisturized without being heavy or 'tacky' or mushy.

You may try using a moisturizing conditioner, NTM comes to mind (Suave Milk & Honey conditioners seems to be a moisturizing favorite too) and using it as a steam treatment w/a hot towel on DRY hair.

Also keep in mind that if your hair is too heavily coated with product, moisture will have a harder time penetrating to do what it's designed to.
Ok last week I removed my lacefront nightly and moisturized every other night using the baggie method. That seemed to have stopped the breakage. This week (well right now actually) I am doing a henna treatment again, the third one is a row, and feel that next week I should focus on moisture. I am absolutely clueless on what to use though. Last week I bought the kids organics shea butter moisturizer and used the CD Healthy Hair butter also. I don't know of any deep conditioners that are solely moisturizing and have no protein, can someone help me? TIA:ohwell: Also, I may use the ORS Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner in the bottle, but I heard it wasn't that great. I have it here but I have no heat cap so it just sits there for the time being.

What else could I use?

ETA: Right now I have been using Nacidit Olive Oil Conditioner after every wash or Cholesterol.