I have a Fotki! yay!


New Member
Hi ladies,

I just wanted to announce that :grin::grin::grin::grin:I have made a fotki account:grin::grin::grin::grin:. The password is in my profile. I have the few pics I have documents from the start of my journey 19 October to a few days ago. I have not seen much difference in length:nono::nono: but since starting what I consider a regimen, I have noticed a change in texture and thickness:yep::yep:. I'm hoping to get a camera for Christmas as I've been using my phone to take all my pictures:wallbash:.... at anyrate enjoy!! I'm just excited about my hair journey!! :drunk::drunk:

remember pw is in profile
Your off to a great start. I love your hair, i wonder if you could be my hair twin. Good luck with your transition!
Hey there lady,:wave:
Im glad u have a fotki now. I look forward to watching ur progress yet another fotki to stalk:grin: I see progress ur hair looks thicker and I see growth:yep:
Keep up the good work mama:kiss:
Your off to a great start. I love your hair, i wonder if you could be my hair twin. Good luck with your transition!

Hi Wheezy...maybe we could be hair twins! I looked at your pics on your fotki and they are gorgeous. Thank you for the comments as well.
Hey there lady,:wave:
Im glad u have a fotki now. I look forward to watching ur progress yet another fotki to stalk:grin: I see progress ur hair looks thicker and I see growth:yep:
Keep up the good work mama:kiss:

Hey chica..It took alot of debating to get a fotki because I have a friend that had one, she was natural and when she decided to perm again, she said alot of ppl left pretty harsh comments but I see my LHCF ladies have them and we are all supporting of each other :yep::yep:
Hey you can stalk cause I sure plan to stalk you right back chica!!:grin:

Its funny cause my mom used to tell me all the *ish I was putting in my hair was gonna make it fall out now I find myself making concoctions for her too so the word spreads, just a bit slowly...
Hey chica..It took alot of debating to get a fotki because I have a friend that had one, she was natural and when she decided to perm again, she said alot of ppl left pretty harsh comments but I see my LHCF ladies have them and we are all supporting of each other :yep::yep:
Hey you can stalk cause I sure plan to stalk you right back chica!!:grin:

Its funny cause my mom used to tell me all the *ish I was putting in my hair was gonna make it fall out now I find myself making concoctions for her too so the word spreads, just a bit slowly...

Yep thats how it goes once they see the progress they start asking for advice :yep: