I hate this new layout.


Well-Known Member
Its not so easy on the eye, too bright, and all the envelopes and whatever are too big, bigger than the thread titles.

I hate visiting other boards because of the layout it. It makes it or breaks it for me. LHCF was easy to read from the jump. We have lost that. Even the thread lineup is hard to read.

Sucky. :perplexed
Its not so easy on the eye, too bright, and all the envelopes and whatever are too big, bigger than the thread titles.

I hate visiting other boards because of the layout it. It makes it or breaks it for me. LHCF was easy to read from the jump. We have lost that. Even the thread lineup is hard to read.

Sucky. :perplexed

You should see it on my BB. I can't stand to look at it on my phone anymore and it might have something to with the boxes and extra space. On my computer it's okay I guess, but on my phone it
looks like a Rosetta Stone foreign language session and I've tried different browsers.
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I don't like it either...Its hard to search for threads like before it was similar to a google search...
I know that probably a lot of work went into the new layout but seems like most of us don't like it. If there are upgrades then fine but the layout is much harder to work with. I wish they would just change it back.
I don't know if I SPY is new or if I just never noticed it before but its one part of the upgrade I like!
it takes forever and a day to read stuff now and I feel like I'm constantly scrolling.....argh
Its very annoying and not user friendly. As stated the colors are blinding. Upgrade is not always good. However I do like that they are trying to improve the site, nothing wrong w/ that at all. Just keep trying. :yep:
For you who think it's too bright; there is a way to adjust the monitor light on your PC.
I like the new layout, it just takes some getting used to.
The lay out doesn't bother me too much, but I am finding that it takes a long time to open threads. Has anyone else noticed this? I don't think its' my computer because I can navigate other websites quickly.
the search threads is not working for me..and what happened to the subscribed thereads?..I'm looking for a particular thread,and I went to my post statistics, only 15 posts listed. Three post from this year the rest from 08 :(
The lay out doesn't bother me too much, but I am finding that it takes a long time to open threads. Has anyone else noticed this? I don't think its' my computer because I can navigate other websites quickly.

No its NOT your computer, I was just about to post how hella SLOW it is!
I've gotten used to the new layout, but I do find it more difficult to read through threads. It's much slower now. But my biggest disappointment is that I can't look at the forum at work any more. I don't know what it is about this new format, but it's no longer compatible with my work computer.

I'm away from the forums for a bit and come to a whole new look! This is going to take some getting used to.
i hate! hate! hate! this new layout. its way too bright. i cant tell when someone's reply ends and their siggy starts sometimes. it does take longer to open threads. the whole title of the thread isnt posted which is annoying as all heck and it sometimes forces you to go into a thread that you dont want to go into. and i hate that its so much harder to click into the usercp area.
i hate! hate! hate! this new layout. its way too bright. i cant tell when someone's reply ends and their siggy starts sometimes. it does take longer to open threads. the whole title of the thread isnt posted which is annoying as all heck and it sometimes forces you to go into a thread that you dont want to go into. and i hate that its so much harder to click into the usercp area.

******I concur.
I can't wait until the update process is finally complete. The new updates are nice but the overall color scheme is absolutely hideous. I just wish a blue background can be added to soften the look of this message board then things will be okay.

The color scheme on this page looks okay: http://www.vbulletin-faq.com/forum/forum.php?. It's a lot easier on the eyes. If you click on the threads you'll see that it has a nice blue color and it's easy to differentiate between individual posts, avatars, etc. I hope we get something like this. All of this white looks really harsh and uninviting. The Long Hair Community has decent colors too. Getting rid of all of this white would be a very big improvement.

At first I thought I really hated the layout but now I think it's simply the colors that many of us hate the most. Everything kind of blends in into each other. For example there are blog posts on the side of this message board lost in a sea of whiteness with nothing besides more whiteness separating each individual blog post. Most of the forums that I and many of us frequent such a Black Hair Media have nice colors. All of the white makes this message board look unfinished too.
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The white is HARD on my eyes! i can't sit here and read this board for even 30 min without my eyes getting tired...
I'll be glad when the upgrade is finished. I miss the thanks button being on the right side. For people saying the font is too small, just hit control, plus, it will enlarge it; control, minus, will bring it back down.
For some reason, I cannot upload new pictures in my album. It tells me that I do not have rights which is wrong because I have paid to be on this site.
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