I hate stylists...

I didn't realize how much she was cutting off due to the way she was cutting my hair and the initial amount she was trimming...she started taking off 1 inch plus when she got to the back . plus she was pulling my hair outwards so I couldn't see when she was cutting the back. But now I know to just trim at home =)

Well, I'm just saying this for everyone.
Ask to look in the mirror for the first piece that is cut, then make them show you in their hand. I do that for every client and haven't had an issue yet.
Jesus christ. I'm sorry. Last time I went to one of those places some years ago I had to let the stylist know that I DID NOT want her to cut anything, period. When I got home I got my mother to trim my ends for me.
When something like this happens it is extremely discouraging and heartbreaking. I know that many people feel the urge to cry, scream, and just throw stuff at people. What I don't understand is why people don't speak up as soon as they notice a problem or just feel uneasy? It is your money so you should police them, supervise, and ask as many questions as you want to. If possible I think it would be best to avoid salons until you've adopted a no nonsense attitude when it comes to your hair. Almost every story involving a stylist on this board has been negative so it baffles me that people still continue to go and still continue NOT speaking up when they notice something wrong. Ladies you have to be able to speak up, defend your hair and your choices when it comes to how you want handled.
I would turn into a do it yourselfer with the quickness.

That's what I did, after years of bad salon experiences. My hair has never been thicker, prettier or healthier than when I started to do it myself.

I trim, shape, cut (when needed)
I texlax, reconstruct, deep condition and straighten
I know which products work and which products are not for me.
I went from above shoulder length to below BSL.

I am my own hair stylist and my hair approves.

So I would suggest you stick close to LHCF and learn how to do your hair yourself. I know your hair will grow out and remain beautiful. Best wishes!
So sorry to hear that this happened to you! I have experienced this in the past as well and it was devastating! I remember the feeling. I honestly feel like some of these stylists are intentionally setting us back. My cousin used to go to a Dominican salon in DC and I believe she stopped because she was afraid of causing heat damage and the stylist didn’t seem to care about her concerns. Next time you go in a salon, be sure to let them know up front that you do not need or want a trim. Say it repeatedly throughout the session. Just trim your own hair at home if you think it's necessary.