I HATE MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member

I have made a decision...I have to go back to the salon!!! Am I the only one who absolutely can not do my own hair?? Every time I try something on my own, my hair looks a H.A.M.!!!!

I am convinced that certain people just are challenged in certain areas and mine is self hair care. Outside of buns and phony ponies, I have NO SKILLS!!!

My roller sets NEVER last more than a few hours, my braid outs look like a frizzy afro puff, I don't do wash-n-go's...I end up with wash-n-HELL no's and my latest failure is flexi rods...yet another frizzy, dry looking crunchy mess!!!!!

Do stylists have some type of magic juice or something? When I go to the salon, my hair looks great (outside of the 4 hour trip, monetary contribution, and constant battle over why I DON'T want a relaxer or a trim this trip and BEGGING for a DC).

This is so frustrating!! I want my hair to grow, and I have made quite a bit of progress since I stopped going to the salon, but I just started a new job, and I can't afford to walk around looking "--flicted". Plus, it weighs on a girl's self esteem.

Is it possible to visit a salon on a regular basis and still have healthy hair? Are there any "healthy hair" stylists in Charlotte, NC? Help me ladies before I just shave it bald.

Girl, I understand your pain!

I feel the same way.

I really think you should go to the salon once or twice a month, and eyeball the products and the techniques.

The difference between HAM, average, or GREAT hair is really about product and styling technique. Don't be afraid to try smaller thinner sections for straighter rollersets, or different products, and just keep observing quietly and asking the stylist questions... and if you need a break from your hair, get a weave and practice on that.

Just whatever you do, make sure your stylist follows all LHCF certified rules and doesn't try to do WHATEVER she wants.

I am the same way, and i'm learning slowly with PATIENCE what does and does NOT work for me.
I understand. I have few skills, too. But for all these things that you mentioned, how often have you tried each one? Have you considered getting a mannequin head. I got one (a nappy haired one) to practice on. It helped a little. But her hair was so nappy and fragile it was hard for even me to work with, and besides, looking at her fake face was creeping me out so I put it in the closet :lachen:and then, you know, out of sight, out of mind. But you might have more success than I did.
I know what you mean. I have been in the same boat....and its even sadder when your husband asks when you plan on going back to a salon :rolleyes::nono:. I am determined though to learn what works and doesnt work for me and just how to plain style my hair. I am thinking of going to a salon maybe once a month though just to give myself a break. But I will be very strict on how they handle my hair. It does take patience and a lot of practice!! Dont give up completely, try what TheLaurynDoll said and just practice practice practice. Find a few styles you can master and just alternate until you get more and more down!! :yep: Look at all the support you have here on the board -- thats what keeps me going!!
LadyBlu,...sweetie, do not give up. Trust me i feel the same way right about now. I say if you have to go to the salon, go like once or twice a month and start paying VERY close attn as to what their are doing to your hair and start asking LOOOOOTS of questions regarding your type of hair and so on. Keep an eye on what products their are putting on your hair and if you can get up and stand next to whoever is doing the roller set to see how he/she does etc. And from that point cut your visit down to the salon every other month. Whatever you learned or see at the salon on your visits, start trying it out on your hair.

I am in the process of going this step that is stated above myself. So far i have purchased all my hair products to start doing my hair myself. I am currently stretching for 6 months now but my next visit to the salon is for a relaxer and trim, but my eyes will be open to see how the girl does the roller set, b/c i am SOOOO BAD at rollersetting it is not funny. I am really trying to master rollersetting at least by the summer/fall.

So keep you head up and you will get it. It take time and patiences, lots of patiences.
Awww... it's okay. There's nothing wrong with going to the salon and there's nothing wrong with not going. Do what's right for you. Not all LHCF members do or want to do their own hair. If you feel better in the care of your stylist, then by all means, go. While you're there, maybe you can ask about his/her technique. Get the styles that you want to be able to do at home, done in the salon. Watch how they do it and ask questions. Then, when you get some free time to play with your hair, try it at home yourself. I bet if you did this, your salon visit will become far and in between. Also, do check out what products they use. If they make your hair feel good, buy them and keep them in your home product arsenal. I've learned a ton of stuff from my stylist as well as what products to buy. Hope this helps!:yep:
Hey Blu,

If I lived in Charlotte, I would be happy to do your hair. However, I live 4 hours from you. But this is what I recommend. Try out different salons by only getting a roller set. Usually, a stylist can't mess them up except for making you look like a grandma.:lachen: You can talk to the stylist, ask questions and see if you two get along and if she listens to you and the concerns that you have about your hair. If she doesn't, then you know that he or she is not the right stylist for you.

Yes, this can be expensive, but doing it once a month will help you find a stylist that will work with you and not against you. Happy hair gowing. :grin:
:kiss: Don't give up. Practice makes perfect and when you go to the salon get involved. Ask what they're using, what they're doing, and watch them take mental notes. Who cares if they get peeved you'll learn soon enough and won't have to go back.

What happened with the flexi -set? I may be able to help with this one, I love flexis. You can PM me too if you have specific questions (on flexis that is).
I feel your pain.
This is why i went ahead and ordered a Solia flat iron from Folica.
I cannot take it anymore.
I figure that since i have no immediate plans on going to the salon anytime soon,that this is a very practical investment for me...I hope it works out:look:
I stopped doing my own hair. After I do a rollerset, I always look like a member of the Thundercats. My hair looks way better when I go to the salon.
I stopped doing my own hair. After I do a rollerset, I always look like a member of the Thundercats. My hair looks way better when I go to the salon.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

That is crackin me up!!!!! Cuz I look the EXACT same way after a rollerset!! I think Imma put a Thundercat pic up in my fotki just so people can see I'm not lyin...

Sorry to hijack...

I agree w/ the poster who said to pay attention to stylists products and techniques. They didn't get good at what they do their first time out the gate. :) It takes trial and error. You might want to practice your hairtstyles on the weekend when you don't have to go anywhere lookin too fly.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

That is crackin me up!!!!! Cuz I look the EXACT same way after a rollerset!! I think Imma put a Thundercat pic up in my fotki just so people can see I'm not lyin...

Sorry to hijack...

I agree w/ the poster who said to pay attention to stylists products and techniques. They didn't get good at what they do their first time out the gate. :) It takes trial and error. You might want to practice your hairtstyles on the weekend when you don't have to go anywhere lookin too fly.

Me too. I think I will put a pic of Cheetarah in my fotki:lachen:
Im just bumping up for you. I haven't really got any advice for you coz im kinda style challenged myself.
All i can say is practice, practice, practice im sure you get there in the end.

Maybe you're not even as bad as you think, we can be really hard on ourselves sometimes.

Maybe you can ask your stylists for some tips, afterr all you have to know how to take care of the style once you step out of the salon.

Good luck and don't hate your hair.
I'm really glad to hear that you don't have a problem standing up to the stylist and putting your foot down about what you do & do not want!

Thant is sooooo important. I also think that you have to ask random strangers who have beautiful hair where they go to get it done.

I used to do that when I was going to salons and I found some gems that way.
Holy crap you ladies have been crackin me up in different threads this afternoon! lol


Thundercats, hoooooooooooo! You know they're coming out with the movie soon.

Back to topic: Girl, you've got to do what works for you at the end of the day. ITA with everything said by the other lades!:yep:
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I am also stylistically challenged :nono: I try not to let it get me down. Instead I just keep practicing and work with what I got :yep:
Don't feel bad.I thought that I was the only woman without hair skills.I can do microbraids as good as the shop,but other than that-Nothing.
girl I totally understand!! I have stop going to the salon for a while and I hate my hair now! Everything I try to do NEVER comes out the way I want it to, i'm just gonna give in and go to the salon for my relaxers from now on, I just cant do it anymore!!:nono: