"I hate my hair!" moment....


Well-Known Member
So I thought "I'm going to try to straighten my hair again", I've only been able to do it successfully once in February. So I blow it out and get ready. My hair has layers and has been starting to knot at the ends. I tried to do a dusting myself, last week and thought I did an ok job and not take too much off. But as I would start to part my hair to prepare to flat iron a section, I could hear the comb getting caught on the ends, didn't sound good at all. Then I was worried that I actually butchered my hair in the process, however I never finished straightening it to see how the layers fell. So I was down about that. Then I looked at the layers. The top layer is so short and I kept thinking "is this ever going to grow out???" so, I was down about that too. I started flat ironing in the back, and the ends would not get straight and would not hold a bend...my hair was acting "stiff" so I was frustrated and down about that. Anyway, as I walked through the house my mom saw me with my blow dried hair and said "Oh....I thought it would have been much longer than it is". That was the finishing touch. At that moment I felt like I had made no progress and hated everything about my hair. I hated the drastic layers, I hated the straight parts, I hated the fact that I can't do the creative styles that most of the ladies here can do, I hated that I feel like my hair is never done, I hated that it's not longer than it is.

I just ended up throwing conditioner on my hair and went to bed, didn't bother to finish.
Boy, have I had those moments! I can completely relate.

Oh, and I feel you on those top layers not seeming to grow! I was just looking at mine yestererday and was like "what the heck? are you ever gonna grow?" The sad part is I don't even remember how I got that layer. :lol: Fortunately it isn't that noticable when I wear my hair out and curly.

Anyway, the feelings should pass. More than likely you were just having one of those bad hair days that elevated to "I hate my hair" day.
:kiss: Cheer up so1913!

From what you wrote, I get the impression that you didn't use any moisturizer on your hair before trying to flat iron. Did you do this? That may have been the problem. I haven't flat ironed my hair in over a year but I would always have to section my hair and apply a moisturizer before the heat was applied to my hair. Try that next time and I'm sure you'll get better results. :)
JenniferMD said:
:kiss: Cheer up so1913!

From what you wrote, I get the impression that you didn't use any moisturizer on your hair before trying to flat iron. Did you do this? That may have been the problem. I haven't flat ironed my hair in over a year but I would always have to section my hair and apply a moisturizer before the heat was applied to my hair. Try that next time and I'm sure you'll get better results. :)

Awwww....cheer up sweety we all have those days... :yep:

ITA with JenniferMD... Also, did you use your ION Heat Protectant?
JenniferMD said:
:kiss: Cheer up so1913!

From what you wrote, I get the impression that you didn't use any moisturizer on your hair before trying to flat iron. Did you do this? That may have been the problem. I haven't flat ironed my hair in over a year but I would always have to section my hair and apply a moisturizer before the heat was applied to my hair. Try that next time and I'm sure you'll get better results. :)

I guess I just wasn't having a good wash day and lacking patience. My hair isn't dry at all. I used a leave in, of course and it was actually quite soft and shiny before I added anything to it (light oil and heat protectant). I didn't get through too much of it before I gave up on it.

I used to be the queen of flat ironing. Could do it with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back (well, maybe not...but you get the point, lol). I think the fact that I haven't mastered it with my natural hair plays a bit with my ego...

I think I just need to give it another good chop of a couple of inches to even it out a bit, get rid of some of these knots....start some what from scratch... I don't know....:-( *sigh*

boy oh boy do I feel u (only I REALLY have something to complain about unlike u with that gorgeous head of hair!)!

I have been trying to hard since last summer to improve my hairs health and length and I feel like Ive been at a standstill despite all the good things Ive been doing and money Ive invested. Im soo tempted to cut it off and start again. The only thing stopping me is that the bottom layer in the back looks really good and grows so much longer and healthier than the rest. It looks like another head of hair.

I just relaxed my hair after waiting for 5 months which was a mistake but most of it was financial reasons and I thought the break would be good for my hair as long as I took good care of it, which I thought I did. Well I was almost in tears to find after relaxing and blow drying I have sections in the middle of the back (just below the crown) that have broken off to about 3 or 4 inches! The bottom layer is like 3 inches past my shoulders! WTF? I am so sad that I wont even go to a salon for a while bc Im afraid they will point it out and try to give me a haircut but I hate to lose the progress bc of breakage in one area and there is no way Im cutting it that short anyway.

Im hoping with babying it using some growth stimulators especially in that area and protein treatments...I can bring it back to health and it will catch up gradually to the rest. Its to the point it doesnt look right completely down bc It looks short in the middle and long everywhere else. Im going to try a rollerset and see how that looks.

So anyway sorry for the vent but dont feel bad, at least u have a great head of hair to work with. Im trying to make one and it keeps fighting me. Well, back to the drawing board!
I feel you so1913.....I have those days then it just goes into my pony/bun....and then I wrap my hair in my black scarf to symbolize my displeasure with my hair that day....lol.

What are you using to flat iron with? The stuff I use makes my hair hard in the blow drying phase (probably because I use so much). I have to use a little shea butter when I'm flat-ironing. The last time I did it, I had a lot of knots around the point where I put my band when I do ponytails....I just ironed them too (I know, that's wrong--but I was frustrated by that point and dammit my hair was gonna be straight THAT night)

Don't get to frustrated. Your hair is very pretty and coily (just like me), just chalk it up to a bad hair day :)
Thanks ladies....

Maybe I'll try twisting again. I seriously need a break from my hair before I do something drastic!

Unfortunately the two times I did them before, my "trouble" areas began to unravelled within a day, if that long, so the didn't hold up too well...I'll give it another try though.
I feel ya SO1913! I have those days A LOT!! Don't be discouraged, though. Your hair is BEAUTIFUL!!
Girl sorry to hear about that. Right now, I hate my hair as well, and that's why I'm getting nubian twists next weekend !! I need a break :lol:
From the look of your avatar, I cant believe you are having trouble with your hair!
Hope it gets better soon. I have those days myself! I just want to chop it off and start over!
Then.... I come to my senses and say this is just a setback to prepare what is waiting for me at the end! Growing out these layers has been really difficult! Thank God, I am almost there!