I hate i when


New Member
people make comments such as "such and such made my hair grow longer...and no offense to any women here who make that statement, but NOTHING will make your hair grow longer. Now things may be able to minimize breakage, but nothing you but on hair which is dead anyway, will effect what is going on with your hair under the skin..sorry, I've heard it so much today I wanted to scream..People really need to educate themselves
Re: I hate it when

lol girl, calm down dont let it get to you like that.... your right, the only way you "see" the growth is to stop the breakage. there are some things that can boost growth though or should i say give you favorable conditions to obtain growth under like nutrition wise. i remember i had a plant that grew but when i added plant food (nutrition for plants) it grew more and faster and fuller and greener....i guess its like that with our hair when we have proper nutrtion it does help growth.

one of the boards was talkin bout the stinky stuff causing growth..i think it might be possible cause that stuff stimulates the scalp...thats another thing that willl boost growth, is getting the blood flowing to the scalp(gets the nutrients to the scalp)...but i aint layin upside down un my bed to rub my head lol (they say that works too) or using that smelly stuff though lol. some of it is a bit extreme....but then we are on a forum with folks obssessed with growin their hair (myself included) so i guess these types of theories and posts will come with the territory here
Re: I hate it when

Are you a chemist or biologist? Even if you are, then it is possible that you MAY be mistaken.

I agree that it's highly unlikely that things that are put on your scalp topically will increase growth, but I'm not an expert and I don't claim to know everything about hair, so I don't rule out anything just because I "know" that it's not supposed to work. I'm just cautious and sensible about these things.

Also, your hair is dead, but the fact that hair is dead has no effect on hair growth. The hair grows from the follicle... which is alive.
Re: I hate it when

i hate when i have a stylist who went to school for this type of stuff says things like this convo we had

her: you know you need a trim
me: i know (trying to ignore her emphasis on "needing" something that isnt actually needed for anything except even hair"
her: why dont you get one
me: cuz i dont want one
her: why itll make 'em grow


now what the hell is going to grow? what is "'em". make my ends grow?? that even sounds silly

but like purty gurly says, you could be wrong. some people could put the best care into their hair but not be using good products or using products with the wrong stuff in it and their hair may not grow. so who knows
zanzibardotcom said:
Braids make my hair grow.

[/ QUOTE ]
mine too ...or maybe it's just leaving my hair alone...
I have to disagree, I think certain things can promote hair growth. For me its scalp massages and frequent rinsing. I'm also a big fan of protective styles, but I think that helps me RETAIN more length(my ends), which gives the appearance that it made my hair grow..
Well, I don't know...

I think most people don't have adequate nutrition to grow their hair at a maximum rate on their own. That's why some topical products that stimulate hair follicles actually DO cause growth. It's not that they cause your hair to grow above and beyond anything it could do before, it's just that you weren't already at your maximum rate and benefited from some outside help.

Hair growth is at the bottom of the list when it comes to important bodily processes, that's why when people get certain types of illnesses, their hair will fall out. Your body needs the nutrients it would be using to grow hair for more VITAL things when you are sick/malnourished. Your body just knows how to keep its priorities straight

While most people I think are healthy enough to feel fine, they aren't necessarily at their HEALTHIEST, so they really may not be growing hair at their maximum rate. That's when taking vitamins and doing things to stimulate the scalp will give results.

And also, like it was mentioned, your hair can be growing 2 inches a month, but if you're breaking it off just as fast, you won't see any net growth. So if you start using a different technique or something that ultimately results in less breakage, it will seem that your hair is growing faster, even if your actual growth RATE hasn't changed
I have being playing attention too my hair more, I do belive things can cause ur hair too grow, I have had alot more new growth with vitamins, that fact is that it works or worked in getting hair to grow , Ive join the Sinky challenge, and I will see what works for me, my hair growth has slowed down, and my new growth is not as much as I like it too be, but I have kept my lenght, I plan to take MSM because I think that worked for me, so does massages, even if it increases blood flow, u get the results, its something I feel does work, ppl are doing it for hair growth and if that is what they r getting , then what wrong with that?
Everything mentioned here on the board has made my hair grow. And all my friemds can testify that my hair is thicker than it used to be. Oh the hair vitamins, Biotin, MSM and Flaxseed old have made my hair grow really I now have thicker eyelashes and I never had lashes like this before. So there are products and vitamins to help your hair to grow but it also involves TLC
I see what you guys are saying, but that's not what I meant. YES, you can increase the rate of growth..but you CANNOT make your ends magically longer...that's what I meant I hear from people sometimes, they dont think the hair grows from the scalp...and they dont realize that new growth is in fact NEW GROWTH...and that only this should be relaxed...and they put the chemical down the length of their hair, thinking this will make it longer.
Actually Rogaine has been shown to retard growth and stimulate growth in men with male pattern baldness. The FDA wouldn't let them make this claim unless clinical trials were conducted. The downside to this is that the growth is slow (can take months) and once the drug is discontinued, the hair falls out.