I HATE dandruff!


Well-Known Member
Ever since I've been doing this going natural thing, it's been getting more and more difficult to keep my scalp clean. I only see the dandruff when I have my hair straightened, though, like now. I tried the brown sugar scalp scrub, but that didn't eradicate the problem. Does anyone have any tips on getting rid of dandruff, when you can barely even reach your scalp?
A dandruff shampoo (Nizoral) eliminated my dandruff problems. Adding Flax Seed Oil to my diet has also helped to keep my dry scalp "lubricated", which results in far less dandruff.
msprettyeyes said:
I use Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shampoo and it works wonders for my scalp.

Same here. I had severe, severe dandruff...the kind that's thick and is caked to your scalp...more like psoriasis than regular dandruff. Paul Mitchell Shampoo cleared that right up.
My daughter had the kind Starian mentioned, I used Sulfer 8 shampoo along with the grease and it gone.
