I hate baggying!


New Member
Is baggying a must to retain ends/length. I dont like doing it. When I get home from work I moisturize and seal then part my hair in three two on top and part in the back and make 3 big bantu knots. when I take it out the next morning my hair is moisturized and curly bc of the knot then put it in a frrench roll for the day. I am just trying to avoid less combing and brushing as possible. Am I the only one who doesnt do the Baggy:eek:
PS i do put a shower cap on my head and tie my silk scarf on it from 5p.m. to 12 .am when I come home from work and right before I fall asleep. Maybe thats my alternative
I think what you are doing sounds really good...I don't think the baggy is for eveybody. What ever way you can find to keep your hair moisturized is the whole point anyway.
marie170 said:
I think what you are doing sounds really good...I don't think the baggy is for eveybody. What ever way you can find to keep your hair moisturized is the whole point anyway.

I agree, even though I started baggying, my hair was sheeding more with it. I didn't pully my hair tight or anything and it kept coming out. I can do it for a week or two at a time, but then back to roller sets. It works for me:grin:
I dont like doing it but I see a difference when I do. so with that being said, I will continue to do it. My hair is never wet when I take the baggy off.

**I only baggie the ends.**
I would love to do the phony ony thing but then that means I have to comb or brush my hair daily to fix stray hairs right:confused:
I would love to do the phony ony thing but then that means I have to comb or brush my hair daily to fix stray hairs right:confused:
What you are doing sounds good. Sometimes I put my hair in big braids instead of doing the baggie and my hair feels just as moisturized in the morning.
I dont baggy and my end stay moisturized. I moisturize and seal at night and in the morning put back up in a bun then tie down with a scarf so my hair is pretty straight in the morning. I just slick down the front with some moisturizer or a little bit of jam and i can leave it in a bun or add a phony pony without brushing. If u feel its neccessary to brush try using a baby brush instead. HTH
Letitia said:
I dont like doing it but I see a difference when I do. so with that being said, I will continue to do it. My hair is never wet when I take the baggy off.

**I only baggie the ends.**

I love doing it, have been doing it since January. I also baggie the ends so my whole head is not wet just the length of my phony tail and I get no breakage at all and I baggy everyday..all day...I never be without my baggie..It's helping to retain ALL my growth. I only wear my hair in a bun or my own hair pulled in a ponytail and baggied with a little bun covering over the baggie...I'm on a mission so I will look like this basically until the end of next year:)
Nothing as far as hair care is for everyone. If it doesn't work for you then it doesn't work for you. I wouldn't keep doing it if I didn't like it. I am pretty sure there are other ways of keeping your ends moist besides baggying.
I've never done it. In fact, I'd never even heard of the baggy method until I came to this board. If you keep your hair moisturized you should "need" to baggy it.
I don't and have never did the baggy method. Maybe if I did, I would have more hair. But I don't plan on doing it and my end look great.:)
I've been wearing the baggie since August and it seems that I have more shedding. I usually take the baggie off when I get home. When I run my fingers through the hair that was in the baggie, I usually get several strands. It's usually still very moist. Grant it, my hair does seem thicker when I'm bagging. I've been a bit concern about this. Is this somewhat normal for most ladies that's wearing the baggy?
janeemat said:
I've been wearing the baggie since August and it seems that I have more shedding. I usually take the baggie off when I get home. When I run my fingers through the hair that was in the baggie, I usually get several strands. It's usually still very moist. Grant it, my hair does seem thicker when I'm bagging. I've been a bit concern about this. Is this somewhat normal for most ladies that's wearing the baggy?

When I started baggying I noticed some shedding but I think it's because I kept my hair wet all the time. I used to spray it down with my oil/water concoction, then slathered on mango butter and jojoba oil. Now, I just put Healthy Ends on my hair with a little bit of WGO and thats it. Ever since then, the shedding stopped and it appears to be working!:)
I don't baggy anymore. I do moisturize, seal, tie the front of my hair down and wrap the ends gently in my huge silk scarf at night. I wear my hair down or in a high ponytail (so hair won't touch clothes). I was a little past APL before my trim and I've been doing this on-and-off for six months.
I think I'll just put a little glossing cream on my ends and call it quits when bagging. Royal Glory are you sleeping in magnetic rollers? I also noticed that you are 40 something like I am. I was wondering if there are some forty somethings aiming for healthy long hair. Maybe I'll start a thread for all of the 40 and fabulous that has finally figured out how to take care of their hair.
i dont baggy and i dont think it is necessary to retain length. i just put my hair in two two-strand twists, moisturize clip em up and call it a night :)
I can't baggy, either. No matter what I put on my hair, my hair is either too sticky or too wet in the morning and my hair breaks. Large Bantu knots or ponytails with soft rollers on the ends after moisturizing and sealing tends to work best for me.