i had a special revelation !something crazy happen to me last night please read!


New Member
God is so real! I prayed to him last night and in my prayer I said " god reassure me that your always there and you will never give up on me......."I had a bad dream and I was trying to get out of it soo bad ....I was in between dream and reality and I was screaming out "mom!!" I couldnot scream loud enough and there was something evil trying to hold me back,the evil spirit was a gray shadow and it back up when my mom entered the room . She was dress in all white and said"don't worry imma get you out of this bad dream" then my mom tap me. I felt a very gentle tap on my side . I really felt it and she looked at me with concern and love then I finally got out of the dream. When I woke up there was nothing there. I had called my mom later on ,on her cellphone and asked her if she woke me up from a bad dream and she said "no!!!!" she always kiss me before she leave to go to work but the time she left was before that happen! Spooky right? But not really that was an angel sent from god and the angel was disguise as my mother! And yes that was definetly god reassuring me that he is always there and he will never give up on me. I love him!!
God does work in mysterious ways and I glad to see that you are in tune to what he is doing.
God does work in mysterious ways and I glad to see that you are in tune to what he is doing.

Yes he does I have other stories that tripped me out! Like for real!but he is definetly around even when you try to ignore it