I had a hands in my hair moment


Well-Known Member
I was leaving a big meeting we had today at work and as I was leaving a co-worker stopped me and ask me to bend down a little towards her since I was standing and she was sitting, I thought she had a scoop, here she was grabbing my hair and saying is this all you. just rubbing it up and down I was too surprised to be mad, I wasn't mad at all for that matter. I been waiting for this day for someone to say oh my goodness look how long your hair is. It happen, No my hair isn't long but still it was my proudest moment for her and others to comment on my hair. I had it up in a bun but I pressed out the front in side bangs and pull a section from the side back and pressed it out with my maxiglide and curl it into a spiral and let it hang down. yeah!!! finally, someone said it was long, it's about time!. :spinning:
Isn't it something how a great "hair moment" can bring up your day? ;) Glad your hair got a chance in the spotlight. :)
OK, you know your hair is awesome, miss!:rolleyes: It is long, gorgeous, and natural. I'm officially jealous.:grin: It will be at least 2 years before my hair gets your length.:ohwell: